題 名 | 法規意外扭力矩規定在校舍適用性之檢討=Adaptability Study for the Code Accidental-Torsion Provisions Used in School Buildings |
作 者 | 張嘉祥; 陳寶蓮; 洪國禎; | 書刊名 | 建築學報 |
卷 期 | 28 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁73-89 |
分類號 | 527.5 |
關鍵詞 | 學校建築; 地震反應; 建築技術規則; 意外偏心; School building; Earthquake response; Building code; Accidental-torsion; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文利用裝設於花蓮明禮國小、苗栗僑成國小、嘉義黎明國小、省立台東高商四 棟校舍之強震儀所收錄到之28筆強震記錄,來探討現行建築技術規則中,有關樓層意外扭 力矩規定在中小學校舍之適用性。 探討過程將按照法規所得到之校舍底層柱剪力化為等量基底剪力及等量基底扭力,然 後與地震作用下底層之基底剪力及基底扭力比較。 本文探討結果顯示,現行法規意外偏心規定,對於長寬比較大或剛質心偏離情況較嚴 重之校舍,大部份之地震反應超出法規範圍。因此,建築師在規劃設計校舍時,對於平面 細長且採懸臂走廊之校舍,以及牆體配置不均造成剛、質心距離較大的校舍,考慮意外扭 力時,其大小應較法規值再提高。 |
英文摘要 | Several school buildings equipped with seismograph are chosen to evaluate the adaptability of code accidental-torsion provisions used in Taiwan. The evaluation is based upon the comparison of earthquake response of ground floor and the equivalent base shear as well as equivalent base torsional moment of column shear force that calculated following code provision. This investigation shows that the code accidental-torsion provision is reasonable for regular school building. However for school buildings with long- narrow plan or with cantilever corridor, during design, the code prevision need to be adjusted. |