題 名 | 臺北市立國民小學教學設施現況水準之分析=Analysis on the Current Level of Building Facilities About Primary School in Taipei City |
作 者 | 黃世孟; 高忠敬; 陳燕菁; 林明志; | 書刊名 | 建築學報 |
卷 期 | 26 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁57-73 |
分類號 | 523.375 |
關鍵詞 | 國民小學; 學校建築; 教學設施; 設施水準; Primary school; School building; Teaching and learning facility; Facility level; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺北市府教育局擬充分掌握全市國小校園及校舍建築教學資源之現況,配合教育 改革之需求,明確學校建築各項設施提昇之水準,調查全市 137 所國小學校建築,得到 112 所國小學校之「教學空間」及「附屬設施」現況水準之平均值, 最重要的結果如下:( 一 ) 就全市學校建築總樓地板中之建築空間用途別面積值, 劃分四類現況值如下:行政空 間 6.6%,教室空間 41.0%,服務教學空間 10.0%,公共服務空間 42.4%。 (二 ) 每位學生 享有空間面積現況值:(1) 每生享有樓地板面積平均值 12.0m �� / 生,(2) 每生享有校地 面積平均值 20.6 m �� / 生。 (三 ) 全市每校每年樓地板面積每平方公尺電力使用度數平 均值 15.30 度 / m �提誚~。每位學生自來水使用度數平均值 12.38 度 / 生.年。(四 ) 全市各校廁所便器數與學生人數之比值:(男學童 ) 每個大便器平均提供 6.73 男童使用, 每個小便器平均提供 7.95 男童使用;(女學童 ) 每個便器平均提供 7.83 女童使用。以上 調查分析所得數值,均能呈現臺北市立國小學校建築及附屬設施之設置現況及水準,本文後 續研究今後將依據此資料,進行檢討如何確立全市新設立型或更新型學校建築之設置新基準 。 |
英文摘要 | The educational department of the Taipei city government plans to control over the current situation of those educational resources inside the primary schools campuses and school accommodations in Taipei city. It attempts to increase the standard of different facilities of school buildings in conjunction with the requirement of educational reform. It has conducted an investigation into 137 primary school buildings in Taipei city. And the most important results obtained from the calculatiion of the average values of the current standard values of "teaching and learning space" and "supplementary facilities" of 112 primary schools are as follows:(1)The present values of building space area as a percentage of the total floor area of the school buildings in Taipei city for 4 different usage categories are as follows: administrative space 6.6%, classroom space 41.0%, teaching service space 10.0%, public service space 42.4%.(2)The present value of space area per student:1.the average value of floor area per student is 12 m �� / student. 2.The average value of school campus site per student is 20.6m �� / student. 3.The average value of elecyricity degree per m �� each year is 15.30 KW ˙ hr/m �提� year. The average value of water degree per student each year is 12.38 degree / student ˙ year. 4.The ratio about the number equipment between toilets and students as follow:each toilet for male supplied 6.73 students, each urinal for male supplied 7.95 students, each toilet for female supplied 7.83 students. Those values collected from the above investigation represent the current situation and standard of the placement of Taipei primary school buildings and supplementary facilities. The follow up research will examine the ways of placements of those newly constructed or renovated school buildings in Taipei city in accordance with the above values acquired. |