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題 名 | 語言景觀與語言保存規劃=Linguistic Landscape and Language Maintenance Planning |
作 者 | 張學謙; | 書刊名 | 臺東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 10 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁155-171 |
分類號 | 803.99 |
關鍵詞 | 語言景觀; 語言保存; 語族活力; 地位規劃; 語文規劃; Linguistic landscape; Ethnolinguistic vitality; Language maintenance; Status planning; Corpus planning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣原住民語言流失的問題相當嚴重。語言學家預測如果不妥善處理,原住民語 言,將在五十年內消失!如何挽救語言死亡、重振語言活力是當前臺灣語言規劃必需面對的 問題之一。挽救語言流失危機的方法有很多。本文從社會心理學的角度出發,主張建構原住 民語言的語言景觀以保存原住民語言。文中藉由語言景觀的觀念,探討語言景觀對弱勢語族 提升語族活力、擴展族語使用及促進族語傳承的功效。同時,也討論建構原住民語言景觀所 必需面對的地位規劃和語文規劃議題。 |
英文摘要 | Aboriginal languages in Taiwan are in danger of extinction. The issue must be amended by language planning and language policy. The purpose of this article is to apply the concept of linguistic landscape to the planning of language maintenance. Linguistic landscape refers to "the visibility and salience of languages on public and commercial signs in a given territory or region" (Landry & Bourhis 1997:23). In the article I argue that the construction of linguistic landscape can benefit the maintenance of the Aboriginal languages. I also discuss the correlation between linguistic landscape, ethnolinguistic vitality and language maintenance. Furthermore, the article provides reasons for the construction of linguistic landscape for the Aboriginal languages, along with pointing out the problems of corpus planning which are related to the construction of linguistic landscape. |