題 名 | 臺灣產中藥材資源之調查研究(6)--澎湖縣藥用植物資源之調查研究=Investigation and Study on the Resources of Chinese Crude Drugs in Taiwan (6)Investigation and Study on the Medicinal Plants in Penghu County |
作 者 | 謝文全; 謝明村; 邱年永; 林榮貴; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 17:2 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁245-407 |
分類號 | 376.15 |
關鍵詞 | 澎湖縣; 藥用植物; 資源; 香茹草; 保肝作用; Penghu county; Medicinal plants; Resources; Glossogyne tenuifolia; Hepatoprotective effects; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 澎湖群島位於臺灣海峽中央,距嘉義縣約四十餘公里,由大小 64 個島嶼組合而 成。是我國東海與南海之天然分界線;北起目斗嶼,南止於七美嶼最東至查波嶼,西端至花 嶼。 群島面積 127 平方公里。濱海植物群落特殊,其中稀有特殊藥材及具經濟價值之藥用 植物「,宜加以調查開發。對於較具有療效的保肝民間藥,並進行動物實驗,以評估療效, 開發生藥資源,以利肝炎治療。茲為瞭解澎湖縣各離島地區藥用植物分布及目前本縣野生及 栽培種,同時進行民間藥之訪視,對於民間藥或正統道地藥材,誤用混用情形,予以釐清並 糾正之。以確保國民健康。茲就調查採集統計結果歸納如下: 1、澎湖縣藥用植物,計有 6 門、130 科、421 屬、624 種,其中自生種有 334 種、栽培種 290 種。 2、澎湖縣產藥用 植物收載於歷代諸家本草者,計有中國藥材 235 種,分別隸屬於 241 種藥用植物。 3、澎 湖縣產有毒植物,較具明顯毒性者有七日暈等 46 種。 4、澎湖縣特有及稀有藥用植物,計 有濱大戟等 25 種。 5、澎湖縣民間驗方及用藥調查, 計由黃光正先生等 14 人,提供 68 則驗方,以供臨床藥學研究。 6、澎湖縣藥用植物藥材價格及銷售情形,調查統計有一枝香 等 76 種。 7、澎湖縣值得開發藥用植物,經訪問農改場、農會及農民,評估值得開發者有 香茹等 6 種,木研究選取香茹,評估其保肝效果。 8、從四氯化碳 (CC1��) 誘發大自鼠急 性肝損傷及奈異硫氰酸脂 (ANIT) 誘發大白鼠急性膽道淤阻的研究,證明香茹治療肝炎時, 有良好的保肝效果。 由大白鼠的肝切片觀察一些病理變化,如脂肪變性 (fatty change)、 氣球樣變性 (ballooning degeneration) 肝小葉中心壞死現象 (centri1Obular necrosis) ,炎症細胞 Kupffer cells 與 lymphOCyteS 增值性發炎浸潤等,確認香茹藥物的保肝效果 。至於其成分及保肝作用機轉有待更進一步之探討。 |
英文摘要 | Penghu Islands, located in the middle of the Taiwan straits, are about over 40 kilometers away from Chiayi County and composed of 64 small or large islands, serving as a natural borderline between the East China Sea and the Southern China Sea. The islands begin with Mu-Tou-Hsu in the North and with Chi-Mei-Hsu in the South, with Cha-Po-Hsu in the east and Hua-Hsu in the west. The islands cover an area of 127 square kilometers. Among the unique coastal plant colonies are rare and special medicinal materials and plants of medicinal use with economic values Appropriate for investigation and development. Those drugs, with the therapeutic effects of protecting the liver as grown among the local countryside, are being tested on animals in order to evaluate their therapeutic effects and to develop the crude drug resourte for treating hepatitis. In order to understand the distribution of medicinal plants in each individual island of Penghu County,and the naturally grown and artificially cultivated plant varieties in the county . Investigations and observations are conducted at the same time on the drugs in the local areas. The misuses and mixed uses of those local drugs or those traditional authentic drugs are clarified and corrected to ensure the health of our citizens. The results collected from those investigations are classified as follows: 1. The medicinal plants in Penghu County can be divided into 6 phyla, 130 families, 421 genera, and 624 species, among which 334 species are naturally grown and 290 species are artificially cultivated. 2. Among those medicinal plants grown in Penghu County and recorded in various Pents'ao of individual Dynisties, there are 235 Chinese medicinal materials, which are attributed to 241 kinds of medicinal plants. 3. Among the poisonous plants grown in Penghu County, there are 46 kinds of plants, such as Breynia officinalis etc., with comparatively conspiluous toxicity. 4. Among the unique and rare medicinal plants grown in Penghu County, there are 25 kinds such as Euphorbia atoto etc.. 5. Through the investigations conducted by the 14 people including Huang Kwang-Chen (黃光正 ) on the local test prescriptions and drug use in Penghu County, 68 test prescriptions are provided for clinical medicinal research. 6. 76 kinds of plants including Veronia cinerea are investigated and counted from the investigations of the price and sales situation of medicinal plants. 7. After visits to agricultural reform workshops. Former's Unions, and farmers and discuss about the medicinal plants in Penghu County, species are evaluated as worthwhile developing. 8. From the study of CC14 inducing the acute hepatitis damage on the large white mice and ANIT inducing acute gall duct clogging (膽道淤阻 ) of the large white mice, clear evidence is recorded on Glossogymed tenuifolia to possess good liver protective effect when it is used to thrent hepatitis. Such drugs as Glossogyne tenuifolia are confirmed to possess the effects of protecting the liver through the pathological change of large white mice, liver slices, fatty change, ballooning degeneration, antrilobular necrosis, Kupffer cells and lymphocytes. As for its components and its live protecting functions, furtherstudies remain to be explored. |