題 名 | 花蓮縣藥用植物資源之調查報告=Investigation and Study onthe Medicinal Plants in Hualien Country |
作 者 | 謝文全; 謝明村; 張永勳; 邱年永; 楊來發; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 15:2 1997.05[民86.05] |
頁 次 | 頁734-755 |
分類號 | 376.15 |
關鍵詞 | 花蓮縣; 藥用植物; 資源; Hualien country; Pharmaceutical botany; Investigation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 花蓮縣為台灣省最大的縣,東臨太平洋,西屏中央山脈,山谷交錯,地形複雜, 開發較晚,受到人為及自然保護,區內植物種類繁多,包括寒溫暖熱、沿海等氣候帶植物群 落,其中稀有或特殊珍貴藥材及具經濟價值者,宜詳加調查採集以利資源開發。茲為瞭解花 蓮縣各山岳,鄉鎮市藥用植物分布及目前本縣野生及栽培品種,同時進行民間藥及健康保健 食品之拓展,對於民間藥或正統道地藥材誤用、混用情形,應予以釐清並糾正之,俾便使用 良藥,以確保國民健康。優良品種俾使研究大量繁殖供應市場之需,或降低市價,因而提出 本調查研究計劃。 茲統計歸納各項研究成果如下:1. 花蓮縣位於台灣本島東部,輪廓似臥 蠶,東臨太平洋,西有中央山脈,沿海復有海岸山脈縱走,而南連臺東縣,西南鄰高雄縣及 南投縣, 西北鄰台中縣及宜蘭縣; 全部面積 4628.5713 平方公里,平原、河川各佔百分之 七及六,餘皆山岳達百分之八十七。形成西高東低之層疊地形之勢,地形分別為山岳、台地 、段丘、平原、河川、海岸,配合本縣之氣候、土壤等因素,使其間植物林相之分佈豐富, 致使海濱、平原性、丘陵性及高山藥用植物資源十分充沛。 2. 花蓮縣產藥用植物,經調查 、採集計有木耳等 961 種, 分別隸屬於 6 門、184 科、645 屬, 依照 Engler & Prantl System 自然分類法排列, 簡述每種植物之中名、學名、本草出典、別名、藥用部位、性味 、毒性、功用及用量,以明示該植物之來源及效能。 3. 花蓮縣產藥用植物收載於歷代諸家 本草者,經考察統計有中國藥材木、耳等 305 項,分別隸屬於 387 種藥用植物。 4. 花蓮 縣產藥用植物垂直分布, 經調查統計:甲. 自生種,一、海拔 15OOm 以上計松蘿等 78 種 。二、海拔 500 ∼ 15OOm 之間土馬棕 219 種。三、海拔 5OOm 以下計靈芝等 407 種; 乙 .栽培種:一、山地計巢蕨等 10 種。 二、平地計木耳等 142 種,由植物分布情形,可瞭 解其生長環境和習性。 5. 花蓮縣產有毒藥用植物,經調查較明顯毒性者計鳳尾蕉等 50 種 ,瞭解有毒植物的毒性,可預防中毒事件的發生。 6. 花蓮縣民間驗方及用藥經調查蒐集, 感謝王可德先生等人提供之民間驗方及用藥,較有效者收錄於本論文者計 14 則,以資參考 。7. 花蓮縣植物藥材名稱、價格及銷售量經調查整理,計鐵牛入石等 109 種,以資參考。 8. 花蓮縣海邊藥用植物,經調查較常用者計林投等 12 種。9. 花蓮縣稀有藥用植物經調查 有赤箭等 9 種,宜保護或組織培養大量繁殖,以利育種。 10. 花蓮縣藥用植物中,其臨床 應用療效優越者、值得開發者,經調查整理計石上柏等 7 種。 就其基原、別名、分布、產 地、形態、採集加工、效用等予以敘述。 |
英文摘要 | Hualien Country is the largest county in Taiwan. With pacific Ocean to its east, and Central Mountain Zones to its west, mixed with mountains and valleys, the topography iscomplex, The area was not well developed. Due to the natural resources protection policies, the area is full of plant species including flora from tropical to the frigid zones. The rare andprecious species and those with economic potentials deserves further investigation. The majorfindings of our investigation are listed below: 1 � Hualien County is located in the eastern part of Taiwan. The total area is 4628.5713 km2. Plain and river occupy seven and six percent of the land separatedly. The rest 87% are all mountainous area. the geological zones include mountains, hills, slope lands, plains, rivers and seashores. The area is full of natural resources. 2. According to the plant taxonomy Of Engler & Prantl System, there are 961 species of medicinal plants belong to 6 phyllums, 184 families and 636 genera growing in Hualien County. Each medicinal plants was briefly described with Chinese names, scientific names, origin of Pents'ao, distribution, vernacular name, medicinal part used, properties and taste, toxicity, function and medicinal application and dosage. 3. Among the medicinal plants surveyed in Hualien County, there are 305 crude drugs originated from 387 plant species recorded in ancient Pents, ao. 4. Distribution of the medicinal plants of Hualien County are listed at full length according to altitude range. For indigenous Species, 78 species were found above 1500m altitude, 219 species were found in 500m - 1500m range and 407 speciesbelow 500m altitude. For cultivated species, 10 species in mountainous area and 142 species in plain area. 5. Fifty poisonous medicinal plants were found in Hualien County. Awareness of the potential toxicity of those poisonous plants will avoid the accidents by misusing them. 6. Special folk medicinal formulas were also collected during our investigation. Fourteen more effective formulas were reported. 7. One hundred and nine crude drugs were found in herbal stores. The name, price and quantities sold were listed. 8. There are twelve seashore medicinal plants found in Hualien Country. 9. In Hualien County, nine species were categorized as rare plants species which deserved protection or propagation with tissue culture technique. 10. We found seven species with clinical efficacy and potential for development. Each of them were described with description, origin, property and taste, chemical components, pharmacological effects and clinical applications. |