題 名 | 添加硫酸亞鐵降低國產水泥六價鉻含量研究=Study on Reduction of Chromium (Ⅵ) Content in Domestic Cement by Addition of Ferrous Sulfate |
作 者 | 謝俊明; 石東生; 黃瑎雄; 蔡豐遠; 洪銘琪; | 書刊名 | 勞工安全衛生研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 7:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁129-140 |
分類號 | 555.56 |
關鍵詞 | 水泥; 水溶性六價鉻; 過敏性皮膚病; 硫酸亞鐵; Cement; Water-soluble hexavalent chromium; Allergenic dermatitis; Ferrous sulfate; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 泥水業作業人員常見的過敏性皮膚病與暴露於水泥中水溶性六價鉻有密切相關。 西歐工業先進國家,如德國、丹麥、瑞典等,對水泥中水溶性六價鉻勞工暴露容許值為 2ppm。本研究針對臺灣地區 14 家水泥廠所生產之水泥,嘗試以硫酸亞鐵降低其水溶性六價 鉻含量至安全程度以下。研究中利用 1,5- 二苯基二氨�c與六價鉻鹽基螫合,再以分光光度 計檢測 540nm 波長之吸收度以定量六價鉻含量。本分析方法每樣品之偵測極限為 0.017ppm 。 在國內 14 家水泥廠所生產水泥水溶性六價鉻含量分布範圍為 2.33 ∼ 27.49ppm。在添 加 0.15 %硫酸亞鐵之後六價鉻含量分布範圍為 1.02 ∼ 12.15ppm, 其中有 10 家水泥樣 品六價鉻含量降至 2ppm 以下。 在添加 0.30 %硫酸亞鐵之後六價鉻含量分布範圍為 0.97 ∼ 7.91ppm,其中水泥六價鉻含量降至 2ppm 以下之廠家增為 11 家。 而在添加 0.6 %硫 酸亞鐵之後六價鉻含量分布範圍在 0.45 ∼ 6.17ppm,六價鉻含量降至 2ppm 以下之廠家增 為 12 家。在水泥製造過程中添加 0.35 %及 0.70 %的硫酸亞鐵,在一週後水泥中六價鉻 含量皆高於 2ppm,而水泥樣品六價鉻含量有隨儲存時間增加而增加的現象。 以上結果說明 ,由於臺灣的氣候溼熱,硫酸亞鐵有效儲存期限太短,在製作過程中添加硫酸亞鐵以降低六 價鉻含量的做法似乎不太適宜。 |
英文摘要 | Allergenic dermatitis among cement workers is closely related to the exposure to water-soluble hexavalent chromium (WSHC) of wet cement. To prevent workers from over exposure to the allergen, WSHC content in cement is regulated below 2ppm in countries like Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland. In this study, we investigated the feasibility by the addition of ferrous sulfate to cement manufactured in Taiwan to reduce WSHC levels to less than 2ppm. The determination of cement WSHC content was performed with an UV-Uis spectrophotometer at 540nm. This analytical method had a detection limit of 0.017ppm. Without adding ferrous sulfate, the WSHC content was between 2.33 and 27.49ppm. After treated with 0.15% ferrous sulfate, the WSHC levels reduced to between 1.02 and 12.15ppm, where 10 out of 14 samples was below 2ppm. Whereas, the addition of 0.30% and 0.60% ferrous sulfated showed slightly further reducing of WSHC to 0.97 ∼ 7.91ppm and 0.45 ∼ 6.17ppm, respectively, and the number of samples with WSHC below 2ppm increased to 11 and 12, respectively. 0.35% and 0.7% of ferrous sulfate were added during cement producing process, where WSHC level were found above 2ppm after one week of storage, and the WSHC levels increased with prolong storage. With limited effetive storage period, cement treated with ferrous sulfate during manufacture is inadequate due to hot and humid climate in Taiwan. |