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題 名 | 延胡索成分四氫巴馬汀對熱中風動物模式之療效評估=Therapeutic Evaluation of Tetrahydropalmatine on Rat Heatstroke Model |
作 者 | 林茂村; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 17:3 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁369-383 |
分類號 | 418.5 |
關鍵詞 | 熱中風; 四氫巴馬汀; 腦缺血; 細胞損傷; Heatstroke; Tetrahydropalmatine; Cerebral ischemia; Cell injury; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在于探討延胡索四氫巴馬汀對熱中風動物模式之療效 評估。首先,我們將全身麻醉的大鼠暴露于高溫環境(42℃)中以誘發 熱中風;當動物的平均動脈壓及其腦血流率自最高值作急遽下降時 則是為熱中風發作時,而自熱中風發作起至動物死亡止為動物之存 活時間。我們發現當熱中風發作之後,大鼠表現高體溫、低動脈 壓、顱內壓昇高、腦血流率降低,神經細胞損傷指數昇高,動物存 活時間縮短,心跳變快,血中鉀離子、葡萄糖及蛋白質圴昇高,血 中氧及二氧化碳值均下降,以及心臟輸出量及心摶量均下降。但是 熱中風發作時仍維持正常值的血中酸鹼度、鈉、氯離子及周邊血管 阻力、熱中風發作時紋狀體與下視丘體的妥巴胺與五羥色胺濃度均 大量增加如果事先以靜脈投予四氫巴馬汀20mg/kg則熱中風發作時所 引發的下列反應均被明顯減輕;(一)高血壓(二)低血壓(三)高顱內壓 (四)腦缺血,(五)神經細胞損傷,(六)紋狀體與下視丘體妥巴胺與五羥 色胺堆積,(七)縮短存活時間,(八)心輸出量與人摶量之下降,(九)血 中鉀離子、葡萄糖與蛋白質之增加。由本動物實驗結果推論;延胡 索中藥成份四氫巴馬汀對熱中風症狀群可能具有相當療效。他可經 由改善腦心血管參數以及降低高體溫而延長甚存活時。 |
英文摘要 | The present study was attempted to make a therapeutec evaluation of tetrahydroxypalmation in rat heatstroke model. At first, heatstroke was induced by exposing the rats under general anesthesia to a high ambient temperature (42℃); the moment at which the mean arterial pressure (MAP)and cerebral blood flow (CBF) began to decrease from that, after the onset of heatstroke. It was found that, after the onset of heatstroke, rats dispayed hyperthermic, arterial hypertension, increased intracranial pressure, decreased CBF, increased score value of neuronal damage, reduced survival time, increased heart rate, increased level of blood K, glucose and proteins, decreased levels of blood O and CO , and decreased values of cardiac output and stroke volume. However, the levels of blood Na Cl and pH and total peripheral vascular resistance values were not affected during rat heatstroke, Additionally, overload of striatal and hypothalamic dopamine and serotonin was associated with heatstroke onset in rats. Furthermore, pretreatment wiht an i.v. dose pf 20 mg/kg of tetrahydropalmine significantly attenuated the folowing responses that occurred after the onset of heatstroke (1) hyperthermia, (2) arterial hypotension,(3) inracraninal hypertension, (4)cerebral ischemia, (5) neuronal damage, (6) striatal and hypothalamic dopamine and serotonin overload, (7) shortened survival time, (8) decreased cardiac output and stroke volume, and (9) increased levels of blood k , glucoase and protein. The data suggest that tetrahydropalmatine protects against death in rats following exposure to heatstroke. It increased survival time in rats with heatstroke by enhancing cerebrocardiovascular hemodynamics and reducing hyperthermia. |