題 名 | 3C產業金屬元件=The Application of 3C Products |
作 者 | 許傳仁; | 書刊名 | 金屬工業 |
卷 期 | 33:3 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁40-51 |
分類號 | 440.35 |
關鍵詞 | 3C產業; 金屬元件; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了滿足材料使用者日新月異的需求,儘管高性能的高分子材料及陶磁材料陸續 開發出來,但是如果在這當中少了金屬,仍然有許多領域是無法克服的。特別是在同時要求 強度與加工容易性的構造材料方面,直至今日,仍不斷期待能開發出超過傳統金屬材料性能 的金屬材料。金屬材料分為兩大類,第一大類為「大型素材」,以鐵系、鋁系的板材、模材 及線材為主,第二類是指以鋁合金、鈦合金為主,使用在航太產業及資訊產業為主的「小型 零件材」。本文就資訊產業中常用的幾種金屬元件就其用途特性分別說明。 |
英文摘要 | For satisfying the updated demand of material users, the high performances of polymer and ceramic materials are progressively developed. Although the new materials are emerging, the position of metallic materials is indispensable. Because some advantages of metal can not be replaced by the new material, especially the structural material which requires strength and machining. We still expect the new metallic material with better properties than the conventional ones to be developed. Basically the metal is divided into two categories: the large-scale base material, such as sheet material, ferrous and aluminum base, dies material as well as line material; the small-scale base material for instance Al-alloy and Ti-alloy applied in the aerospace and information industries. This article mainly describes the applying properties of some common used metallic component in the information industry. |