- Simulation of Age-Structured Leslie Matrix Model to Evaluate the Reproductive Values of the North Atlantic Albacore Stock
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題 名 | Simulation of Age-Structured Leslie Matrix Model to Evaluate the Reproductive Values of the North Atlantic Albacore Stock=用雷氏矩陣模式模擬評估北大西洋長鰭鮪系群之生殖價 |
作 者 | 許建宗; |
書刊名 | 臺灣水產學會刊 |
卷 期 | 26:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁59-71 |
分類號 | 439.24 |
關鍵詞 | 大西洋長鰭鮪; 雷式矩陣模式; 生殖價; 死亡; Atlantic albacore; Leslie matrix model; Reproductive value; Mortality; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 北大西洋長鰭鮪系群的生物資訊不足以用來了解該種類的產卵和存活,以及其 餘量生產。但是,該系群的幼年魚(一至三歲魚)一直被表層漁業高度的開發利用,同時其 成年魚(五歲以上)也被鮪延繩釣漁業所捕撈,這些針對不同年齡群之漁獲努力量造成該族 群的更生或加入情況的不明,在此一情況下,本研究採用1976年至1995年該系群的年齡別 漁獲量資料,以模擬雷氏矩陣方法和藉年度生殖價的變化來評估此一系群。 人為給定北大西洋長鰭鮪系群之年齡別孕卵數及估得之存活率,配合各漁業的開發年 齡群,將之組合成三個年齡群組。再分別以2%,5%,10%,16%和20%死亡率加在三個 年齡群組,來進行模擬檢驗雷式矩陣主特性值的年度變化。結果顯示模擬族群和幼年魚群 組有較相似的回應,對較高的附加死亡率,造成系群有較大的主特性值,此一擾動模擬結 果顯示本系群在三個合併的年齡群組間呈相對穩定狀態,再者,此一系群的生殖價和其特 性也被討論。由生殖價的變化趨勢顯現出該系群自1987年以來,新加入群足以維持該系群 在1976年的死亡率水準下,保持永續生產。 |
英文摘要 | It is recognized that the insufficiency of biological information of the north Atlantic albacore stock can result in poor understanding of its reproduction, survival and subsequently the surplus production. Nonetheless, the stock has been heavily exploited at its early life stages (1 to 3 age groups) by surface gears and at spawner stage (5+ age group) by longline gear. Those fishing efforts directed to different age classes may further make the relationship of renewal or recruitment of the population ambiguous. Under such circumstances, the time series catch at age data built for the population from 1975 to 1995 could be used to simulate Leslie matrix model and to examine the yearly change of reproductive values for the stock evaluation. A set of age-specific fecundity and survival was given to the north Atlantic albacore stock. Three aggregated age groups were made in complying with the fishery target. Then, the effects of simulated increases in mortality of 2%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% on each of the three age-classes were used to examine the change of dominant latent root of Leslie matrix. The results indicated that similar response of the simulated population to additional mortality applied to any of the young age-classes taken individually. The greater additional simulated mortality was applied to Leslie matrix model, the greater dominant latent root was obtained in the simulation. This indicated that the stock was relatively stationary among aggregated three age groups evaluated from the perturbation simulations of the population matrix. Furthermore, the reproductive value and its property of the population were investigated in a stable status. According to the yearly change of reproductive value, since 1987 onward, the recruitment would be able to sustain the production if the mortality remained as was in 1975. |