- 通俗小說的類型整合--試論金庸小說的「虛」與「實」
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- 金庸作品之影響
- 金庸特輯
- 通俗小說研究的起點--武俠小說研究
- 金庸小說中的舊詩詞--梁羽生與金庸暗中較勁兒
- 中國古神話與武俠小說--以金庸著作為例
- The "Reader" Factor in Martial Arts Fiction in English Translation: With Special Reference to the "Yellow Knapsack" in Jin Yong's Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain
- 關於「武俠小說」的對話
題 名 | 通俗小說的類型整合--試論金庸小說的「虛」與「實」=Cross-genre Integration of Popular Fiction: A Study on Fact and Fiction in Jin Yong's Novels |
作 者 | 林保淳; | 書刊名 | 漢學研究 |
卷 期 | 17:1=33 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁259-283 |
分類號 | 827.3 |
關鍵詞 | 通俗小說; 武俠小說; 歷史小說; 金庸; 類型整合; Chinese popular fiction; Knight-errant novel; Historical novel; Jin Yong; Cross-genre integration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中國通俗小說可以依其題材區劃成各種類型,雖然僅僅是題材性的,卻往往也足 以在情節敘事、人物性格、場景描述上,各具其特色; 然而,各類型小說在題材上仍不免有 所重疊。是則,此一重疊處,是否可以為各類型間彼此援用、合作,尋得開展契機,從而表 現得更具深廣度? 武俠小說的類型特徵,展示在冷兵器、古代,及其虛構的「江湖世界」上 ,在歷史性上,與歷史小說有相當大的重疊處; 但歷史小說既強調其「真實」,則又與虛構 「江湖世界」的武俠小說明顯異趨。一虛一貧,此二類型間應如何加以整合,金庸的武俠小 說中富涵歷史性,是極具探討價值的範例。金庸的武俠小說,以「藉歷史寫武俠」的方式進 行開創,無論是在「虛實相生」、「其虛若實」的技巧運用上,皆充分擷取了歷史小說的優 點,因而成為武俠小說中的典範,使武俠小說的虛構性在歷史之真的映襯下,展現出氣魄宏 偉的格局。不過,金庸的「歷史癖」過於強烈,因此不免造成若干缺憾,尤其是在處理真實 歷史人物時,顯然有點無法掌握虛實之間應有的分際。不過,基本上金庸的嘗試是相當成功 的,或許可以當作未來各類型小說相互借鏡的示範。 |
英文摘要 | Chinese popular fiction 通俗小說 can be divided into different genres according to theme. Each genre has its own unique features in regard to plot, narrative, character types and setting. Although there are overlapping areas among these genres, these overlaps may serve as a foundation for mutual cooperation and development, The characteristic features of the knight-errant novel 武俠小說 in- elude traditional weaponry and the fictionalized "vagabond world" 江湖世界. In its use of historical events, knight-errant fiction is akin to the historical novel. The emphasis on historical truth in the latter, however, sets it clearly apart from the knight-errant novel. How can these two different genres, one real and one fictional, be integrated into a single form? The knight-errant novels of Jin Yong 金庸 provide an example worthy of discussion. Jin Yong always writes his knight-errant novels within a historical framework. In his skillful blend of fact and fiction, he successfully draws on the strengths of the historical novel, making his works classics of the knight-errant genre. Nevertheless, Jin Yong's obsession with history also causes certain flaws in his writing. In his depletion of real historical figures, he fails to draw a clear line between reality and fiction. On the whole, however, Jin Yong's experiment is quite successful, and can serve as a model for cross-genre integration in the various fictional genres. |