題 名 | 青少年無照騎車行為之探討--計劃行為理論之應用=An Application of teh Theory of Planned Behavior to the Adolescent Motorcyclists without License |
作 者 | 王國川; | 書刊名 | 運輸學刊 |
卷 期 | 11:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁87-108 |
分類號 | 557.34 |
關鍵詞 | 青少年; 無照騎車; 計劃行為理論; Adolescent; Motorcyclists without license; Theory of planned behavior; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目前我國家庭擁有機車數的比例有逐年提高,青少年因而有機車可以騎的情形非 常普遍。為了外出方便、迅速,他們都可能會騎車,但卻因年齡的限制而成為了無照騎車。 然而無照騎車隨時都極可能會發生嚴重、致命的交通事故傷害,所以探討青少年無照騎車行 為不但在問題時效上具有迫切性,而且在傷害防制上也有必要性。因此,本研究即嘗試應用 計劃行為理論來瞭解青少年無照騎車行為之影響因素與途徑。研究方法上即採取兩個時段之 前瞻性追蹤研究法,以臺灣地區八十五學年度全體高職生為研究母群,使用兩個階段分層集 隨機抽樣法,抽出預計學生人數 1﹐964 人,再根據此理論發展效、信度均良好的各成份 量表,並選擇共變結構分析為統計方法。結果發現不論是從統計考驗或實質評估,此理論能 有效地預測青少年無照騎車之行為意向與行為,而其中行為控制信念對於行為意向的影響力 為最大,態度次之,至於主觀規範則不具有任何的影響力。再者,行為意向對於行為的影響 力比行為控制信念為大。然而,由於無照騎車行為並非完全可以由個人意志所控制,所以行 為控制信念就扮演起直接影響此行為的另一重要角色。 |
英文摘要 | As there became increasing the numbers of motorcycles owned by each family, the adolescent had lots of opportunities to drive the motorcycle. To go out conveniently and quickly, they drove the motorcycle; however, they drove the mototcycle without license under their illegal age. It was very possible for the adolescents' motorcycling without license to be seriously injured or to be killed in traffic accidents. So it was very urgent and necessary for the problem solving as well as injury prevention and control to understand the behavior for the adolescents' motorcycling without license. Hence, it was the prupose of this research to apply the theory of planned begavior to explore the influences and the causal poth of the behavior for the adolescent motorcyclists without license. Under the two-wave prospective follow-up study, the valid and reliable scales were administrated to one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four students, randomly sampled from all the vocational schools at the academic year of 1996 to 1997 in Taiwan through two-stage stratified cluster sampling with probabilities proportional to sizes. The covariance structural analyses were chosen to analyze the data. It was found that from the viewpoint of the statistical tests and the adequacy of model fitting, the theory of planned behavior can efficiently predict the behavioral intention and the behavior among the adolescent mototrcyclists without license. The perceived behavioral control and attitude toward the behavior were the most and the next important predictors for the behavioral intention, respectively; however, the subjective norm was not. Again, the behavioral intention was stronger than the perceived behavioral control in predicting the behavior, as expected. |