題 名 | 青少年直接穿越馬路行為之決定因素探討=The Determinant Factos of the Adolescent Pedestrians Crossing the Traffic Roads |
作 者 | 王國川; | 書刊名 | 中華道路 |
卷 期 | 38:2 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁12-31 |
分類號 | 557.1 |
關鍵詞 | 青少年; 穿越馬路; 計劃行為理論; 行人交通事故; 前瞻性研究; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 行人交通事故是僅次於汽、機車交通事故,為青少年最主要的交通事故傷害之一,而大部分都是由於行人違規穿越馬路所致。在目前國內行人沒有受到應有的尊重下,只有先行減少青少年直接穿越馬路行為,才有可能迅速降低行人交通事故傷害。因此,為了充分掌握青少年直接穿越馬路行為之決定因素,本研究即應用計劃行為理論來進行問題探討。在兩個時段之前瞻性追蹤研究設計下,使用多個階段分層群集隨機抽樣法抽出預定的研究對象,並選擇共變結構分析、多變項變異數分析與同時信賴區間為主要的統計分析方法,結果發現不論是從模式適配、統計考驗或預測誤差等觀點,應用計劃行為理論來探討青少年直接穿越馬路行為的決定因素是相當適切的,而且對於他們直接穿越馬路行為意向與行為也具有頗高的預測能力。對於行為意向,行為控制信念的影響力比態度為大,而主觀規範則不具有任何的影響力;對於行為,行為意向的影響力比行為控制信念為大。再者,由於此理論三個主要成份分別與結果信念暨結果評價、規範信念暨依從動機,以及控制信念暨發路頻率有密切的關係,所以將來青少年行人安全教育計畫的主要內容就可以取材於他們直接穿越馬路行為意向之決定性信念,尤其是促進型的控制信念。 |
英文摘要 | The adolescent pedestrian injuries, second to the motor vehicle injuries, are one of the major traffic-related injuries. However, most of the pedestrian injuries result from their crossing the traffic roads instedad of crosswalks. Under the environments of motorists not yielding to pedestrians, it is available for us to lower the rates of the pedestrian injuries by reducing the adolescent pedestrians crossing the traffic roads. Hence, the major purpose of the study is to explore the determinant factors of the adolescent pedestrian crossing traffic roads in the framework of the theory of planned behavior. In the two-wave prospective follow-up study design, the 1,090 junior high school students are randomly sampled via the multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method, and three major statistical methods (covariance structural analysis, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, and simultaneous confidence interval) are chosen to answer the problems proposed before. There are three important findings. It is very adequate for the theory of planned behavior to explore the determinant factors of the adolescent pedestrian crossing traffic roads, and both of their predictive powers on the behavioral intention and behavior are high. The influence of the perceived behavioral control upon the behavioral intention is greater than that of the attitude toward the behavior, however, there is not any influence of the subjective norm upon the behavioral intention. Again, the influence of the behavioral intention upon the behavior is greater than that of the perceived behavioral control. In the future, the contents of the adolescent pedestrian safety program may adapt their determinant salient beliefs in the adolescent pedestrian crossing the traffic roads, especially the promoters in the control beliefs, exactly because three major components of the theory are closely related with their corresponding determinant salient beliefs, respectively. |