- 從勞動三權觀點論公共部門教師會協商權與罷工權
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- Public School Teachers' Associations in Taiwan: A View of the Workers' Rights to Organize, Bargain, and Act Collectively
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題 名 | 從勞動三權觀點論公共部門教師會協商權與罷工權=Rights to Bargain and Strike of Teachers' Associations in the Public Sector |
作 者 | 衛民; | 書刊名 | 人文及社會科學集刊 |
卷 期 | 11:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁265-299 |
分類號 | 520.64、520.64 |
關鍵詞 | 公共部門; 教師會; 協商權; 罷工權; Public sector; Teachers' associations; Right to bargain; Right to strike; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 團結權、協商權和罷工權是民間部門勞工基本權利,1970年代之後這些權利逐漸 賦予公共部門員工。對於教師而言,團結權已普遍適用,但由於公共部門具有主權、獨占性 產品,以及公共利益等三大特質,協商權和罷工權仍受到不同程度的限制。我國教師已享有 團結權和部份的協商權,但罷工權仍完全受限制。本研究調查發現,公立學校教師會理事長 和校長都支持教師會擁有協商權,但罷工權部份校長表示強烈反對,而教師會理事長也有四 成反對比率。本研究認為協商權應賦予教師,但協商範圍要加以適當地限制,至於罷工權則 不宜行使,但要有申訴和爭議處理制度予以配合。 |
英文摘要 | Rights to organize, bargain and strike are three fundamental rights of the workers in the private sector. These rights were extended to public employees beginning in the 1970s. The public sector's three char acteristics are: to guard the public- interest, to guard government sovereignty, and to guarantee the public control of the distribution of goods and services. Taiwanese teachers in the public schools have the right to organize, but rights to bargain and strike are still restricted to some extent. From this survey we find that the presidents of teachers' associations and principals of public schools in Taiwan generally agree that teachers have the right to bargain. The principals of the public schools strongly disagree however that teachers have the right to strike that forty percent of the association president respondents also disagree. This study suggests the right to bargain should be extended to teachers but with a properly limited bargaining scope. The right to strike is not a proper means for teachers to pursue their economic and social benefits. |