題 名 | γ-射線照射對紙張物理化學性質的影響=Effects of Gamma Ray Irradiation on the Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Papers |
作 者 | 蘇裕昌; 趙國評; 陳鴻財; 陳家杰; | 書刊名 | 臺灣林業科學 |
卷 期 | 14:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁119-130 |
分類號 | 476.1 |
關鍵詞 | γ-射線照射; 紙張; 物理性質; 化學性質; 劣化; γ-ray irradiation; Paper; Mechanical property; Chemical property; Degradation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以不同劑量 γ-射線照射文化用紙(濾紙、手工宣紙、機械宣紙、影印用紙)及工業用紙(表面紙板原紙、瓦楞芯紙原紙),探討照射後各種紙張物理化學的變化,以做為紙張 γ-射線照射處理之參考依據。試驗結果顯示,以 γ-射線照射文化用紙,在低劑量及中劑量照射下(≦ 2.5 Mrad),紙張強度有10-15% 之強度損失,在高劑量照射下(> 10 Mrad),則紙張物理性質有強度劣化,其中以影印紙最為嚴重。工業用紙在 γ-射線處理中,在中低劑量下沒有明顯的強度損失,甚至抗張強度有些微的提升,高劑量下撕裂及耐摺強度有部分損失外,環壓強度反而有增加之現象,此原因推論為高能射線照射對紙張中所添加之高分子助劑有促進聚合的效果。因此可應用 γ-射線做為此類紙張之滅菌處理。經照射後紙張的pH下降,1% NaOH抽出量增大,粘度下降,纖維聚合度下降均顯示劣化程度隨照射劑量增大而增強。即使在低劑量(< 1 Mrad)照射下,雖然強度性質無明顯變化,化學性質顯示紙張已經有相當程度之劣化,γ-射線照射法應用於重要文化財之滅菌時有損傷之虞。照射後濾紙(纖維素)的結晶度沒有明顯的下降,顯示劣化大部分發生在纖維素非晶區域。 |
英文摘要 | This study evaluated the mechanical and chemical properties of γ-ray irradiated papers under various dosages of γ-ray irradiation. Papers for writing and painting such as filter paper, handmade painting paper, machine- made painting paper, and xerox paper were used for testing. Results showed that at low and medium levels of γ-ray irradiation (≦ 2.5 Mrad) mechanical properties of resulting papers showed a 10-15% decrease. At higher dosage (> 10 Mrad) the mechanical properties of papers were strongly degraded and xerox paper showed the least retained strength. Papers for industrial usages such as liner board and corrugated medium base paper were also tested. Resulting papers showed no significant difference in mechanical properties at low dosages of irradiation. Samples with higher dosages of irradiation showed decreases in tearing and folding strength, but compression strength of these samples increased even at 25 Mrad irradiation. These results reveal that γ-ray irradiation is suitable for use as a sterilization method for this grade of paper. Chemical properties of resulting papers at every dosage of irradiation changed greatly, such as a decrease in pH values, an increase of 1% NaOH solubles, decreasing viscosities, and a decrease of DP; at higher dosages of irradiation, papers degraded to a greater degree. At low dosage of irradiation, no significant strength property changes were shown, but the chemical properties of irradiated paper showed a certain degree of degradation. No significant changes of cellulose crystallinity index were shown at any dosage of irradiation. Results reveal that degradation occurred at amorphous regions. |