題 名 | 照顧一位多種慢性病患及其家屬的護理經驗=The Nursing Experience for a Patient with Multiple Chronic Diseases and His Family |
作 者 | 鄭秀容; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 16:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁95-104 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 慢性病患; 護理; Nursing experience; Chronic diseases; Orem's theory; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 慢性病為一種長期性疾病,對病人的身體、心理、社會各層面造成許多衝擊;又 因其需要長期的監測與照顧,故造成的影響不僅止於個人,更會使整個家庭經歷 疾病的生活,造成新的責任與角色、需求衝突及情緒壓力。本文以Orem自我照顧 理論為理論架構,探討一位罹患肝硬化、海洋型貧血、糖尿病三種慢性病之中年 男性患者住院期間與其家人出現的七個護理問題及成果,並與慢性病相關文獻作 討論比較,印證了慢性病對患者、家庭造成之影響,更深切體會到家人與患者疾 病適應及情緒支持的重要性。此外,筆者亦發現患者及其家人對疾病相關資訊及 病情解釋的需求!在此,願呼籲所有的醫護人員,注意病人及其家屑之問題與需 要,以減少慢性病帶來的影響及衝擊,協助其能更平順地與慢性病共存! |
英文摘要 | Chronic illness is a long-term disease. It may impact not only the physical, psychological and social dimensions of patients, but also make the family undergo the life of illness. In this paper, I have taken Orem' s self- care theory as a model and referred to documentation related to the nursing care of a patient with three chronic diseases. I discuss seven specific nursing problems encountered during hospitalization and make comparisons with literature. Through this process, I understand how the chronic diseases impact the patients and family and how important the mental support is. Clearly it is important for us to provide better nursing care for the patients with chronic illness and his family. |