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題 名 | 運用社區牙周治療需求積分檢測牙周治療的前後差異=The Use of a Modified CPITN Scoring System to Evaluate the Outcome of Periodontal Treatment |
作 者 | 蘇卿渼; | 書刊名 | 中華民國牙周病醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 4:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁11-18 |
分類號 | 416.946 |
關鍵詞 | 社區牙周治療需求指數; 社區牙周治療需求積分; 牙周炎; 牙周治療; CPITN; CPITN score; Periodontitis; Periodotnal treatment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 社區牙周治療需求指數過往數十年中,在流行病學及臨床上都被做廣泛的運用。 但是零星的研究資料中卻顯示出這個指數並無法敏感的偵測出牙周治療前後的改變。我們提 出一個改良自社區牙周需求指數的計量系統來檢測三十位中度至重度牙周病患者經過牙周治 療前後的變化。原先的記錄方式以全口中的最高指數為該患者的指數,這個新的計量系統將 全口六區測得的最高指數相加得到一個積分;進而做治療前後的比較。研究結果顯示,全部 三十位患者治療前的CPITN指數都是4;治療後有七位患者的指數降為3,其餘仍維持為4。 但是CPITN積分平均則從治療前22.8降為18.8;這個積分的降低有統計上非常顯著的意義。 若僅就指數牙的記錄予以分析,治療前後也呈現顯著的差異;與全口記錄的結果相關性則得 到P值小於0.01的結果。由這個研究結果,我們可以發現這個改良的計量系統對牙周狀況 的改變較為敏銳。相較於原來的CPITN指數,應更適用於臨床上長時間對牙周變化的追縱觀 察。 |
英文摘要 | In the past few decades, the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN) has been widely applied in the epidemiological survey and monitoring the treatment result of periodontal diseases. However, in the literature, there is no evidence showing this index can reflect the change of periodontal condition after periodontal treatment. We thus proposed a modified CPITN scoring system to evaluate the outcome of periodontal treatment in a group of 30 patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis. In stead of appointing the highest code of the mouth as the index of the patient (as the original CPITN designed by Ainamo), the code of each sextant in the mouth was added together to be the "CPITN score" of each patient in this new system. Then we can use the average mean of the scores for statistical analysis. The result of this evaluation reveals that among the 30 patients, seven of them have their highest CPITN code dropped from 4 to 3 after treatment, the other patients have their highest code remained the same after treatment. But the average mean of the CPITN scores has dropped markedly from 22.8 to 18.8 after treatment. This difference was statistically significant using paired t-test. If we use the records only obtained from the index teeth, the result is also significant. The correlation between full recording call teeth and partial recording (index teeth) is significant at or smaller than 0.01 level using Pearson Correlation for analysis. This proposed scoring system modified from CPITN shows greater sensitivity in detecting the change of periodontal condition and thus possibly more suitable for the purpose of long-term follow up of periodontal condition. |