- 鼻過敏症患者之過敏原調查
- 鼻過敏患者之血液多樣同時特異性抗體過敏試驗分析
- 鼻過敏與氣喘患者之過敏原
- 鼻過敏患者的家塵與塵蟍特異性IgE抗體值
- 熱證鼻過敏醫案一則
- 鼻液中特異性IgE抗體的測定與臨床意義
- 鼻過敏症
- Specific IgE to 5 Different Major House Dust Mites among Asthmatic Children
- The Study of Pollen and Der p Mite-Specific IgE Antibodies in Children with Allergic Rhinitis
- CAP Phadiatop用於篩選過敏性鼻炎之臨床價值
題 名 | 鼻過敏症患者之過敏原調查=Investigation of Allergens in Patients with Nasal Allergy |
作 者 | 蔡曜隆; 林厚鈞; | 書刊名 | 中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 34:1 民88.01-02 |
頁 次 | 頁22-28 |
分類號 | 416.853 |
關鍵詞 | 鼻過敏; 血清多樣同時特異性抗體過敏試驗; 特異性IgE抗體; Nasal allergy; Serum multiple antigen simultaneous test; Specific IgE antibody; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 背景:鼻過敏症(包括過敏性鼻炎和血管運動性鼻炎)為耳鼻喉科門診中十分常 見的疾病,且有逐漸增加的趨勢。查明鼻過敏症患者之過敏原,是鑑別鼻過敏症為過敏性鼻 炎或血管運動性鼻炎的必經步驟,也是治療及評估鼻過敏之重要根據。 方法:自1996年2月至1998年2月間,收集至本科求診,經本科醫師依病史,詳細問診及局部 發現初步判斷為鼻過敏,而願意接受血清多樣同時特異性抗體過敏試驗(multiple antigen simultaneous test, MAST)之患者共307人,分析其MAST之結果。 結果:1)全部35項過敏原試驗有任一發現者,佔全部人數之58%。2)有發現特異性抗體的患 者,在MAST 35項中,以對�蟳�的Dematophagoides pteronyssinus最多,佔全部人數之55% ;其次為Dematophagoides farinae (54%)、家塵(13%)、蟑螂(8%)、螃蟹(5.5%)及狗毛(3%) 。3)有發現特異性抗體的患者,99.4%有對家塵、x�薵漣凗憿A故在其他項目有發現的患者絕 大多數也都合併有產生對家塵、�薵漣凗憿C4)海產類食物(螃蟹、蛤、鮪魚、蝦)中,以螃 蟹被發現最多(89.5%)。5)各年齡層之食物過敏率並無不同。6)Total IgE class與MAST之發 現率成高度正相關(r=0.989)。7)各過敏原的發現率在第一年與第二年之間並無不同。 結論:本研究顯示,以MAST測試經耳鼻喉科醫師臆斷為鼻過敏的患者,約58%在MAST中有發 現特異性抗體,其中99.4%是檢出對�薳峸a塵類之抗體;而黴菌類及花粉類,在此次調查中 ,只發現非常少的比例(0.3%及1%)。 |
英文摘要 | Background: Knowledge of the major allergens involved in nasal allergy is a fundamental requirement for therapeutic judgment. The multiple antigen simultaneous test (MAST) is one of the in vitro tests used to search for the specific allergens and is employed in this study. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out to examine the results of MAST performed in 307 patients (151 men and 156 women) with nasal allergy in our department from February 1996 to February 1998. The specific immnoglobulin E antibodies and their titers in the tests were reviewed. Results: The mean age of these patients was 21.1 years old. Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (DP) (55%) and Dermatophagoides farinae (DF) (54%) were the first and second most commonly reported allergens in these patients. In addition, house dust (13%), cockroach (8%), crab (5.5%), and dog dander (3%) were also important allergens. Only one kind of mold (Candida) was found in one man as an allergen in this study. Forty-two percent of the patients were negative for all items in the MAST. Conclusions: We found that DF, DP and house dust were the most important allergens in this study; pollen mold, feathers, and cat dander were seldom found as allergens in our study. |