- Iron and Nickel Aluminide Composites
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題 名 | Iron and Nickel Aluminide Composites=鐵與鎳之鋁化物複合材料 |
作 者 | Schneibel,Joachim H.; Becher,Paul F.; | 書刊名 | 中國工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 22:1 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁1-12 |
分類號 | 440.34 |
關鍵詞 | 複合材料; 介金屬; 鋁化鐵; 鋁化鎳; 機械性質; Composite; Intermetallics; Iron aluminides; Nickel aluminides; Mechanical preperties; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 鐵與鎳之鋁化物介金屬不僅抗氧化與腐蝕,在熱力學上亦能與廣泛陶瓷材料相容 ,因此適合當作複合材料之基體。 本文評估 FeAl 或 Ni �� Al 與 WC,TiC,SiC,TiB �� 及 Al �� O �做它X併之數據,其中陶瓷部份體積比在 5 ∼ 90% 間。 複合製程中以傳統液 相燒結及無壓熔融滲透化最為成功。最近,新發展之單階段熔融滲透化所製作之複合材料中 陶瓷部份體積比可達 90%。室溫撓曲強度可達 1.8GPa。FeAl 與 Ni �� Al 複合材料之破裂 韌性與 WC/Co 類似。 FeAl 極薄帶( <2 μ m )破斷時呈現延性斷面,而未出現劈裂面, 此因夠長的差排堆積形成有核的劈開破裂面。除 FeAl 及 Ni �� Al 複合材料之機械性質外 ,其他如抗磨耗與抗蝕性等也在本文略述。 FeAl 及 Ni �� Al 複合材料性質可互補,並可 能應用在 WC/Co 複合材料受限處。 |
英文摘要 | Iron and nickel aluminide intermetallics are not only oxidation and corrosion resistant, but also thermodynamically compatible with a wide range of ceramics. This makes them suitable as the matrix for a wide range of composite systems. Among the composites evaluated to date are combinations of FeAl or N�� Al with WC, TiC, SiC, TiB�� and Al�烙��, with ceramic volume fractions ranging from (5 to 90%. A variety of processing techniques has been employed, but conventional liquid phase sintering and pressureless melt infiltration appear to be the most successful ones. Recently, a novel one-step melt infiltration procedure has been developed to fabricate composites with ceramic volume fractions approaching 90%. Room temperature flexure strengths as high as 1.8 GPa have been obtained. Both FeAl and Ni �� AI composites exhibit fracture toughnesses similar to those of WC/Co. It is found that sufficiently thin (< 2 μ m) ligaments of FeAl tend to fracture in a ductile manner. The absence of cleavage fracture in these thin ligaments is due to the unavailability of sufficiently long dislocation pile-ups for nucleating cleavage cracks. In addition to the mechanical properties of FeAl and N �� Al composites, other properties of interest such as wear and corrosion resistance are briefly discussed. The properties of FeAl and Ni �蚊I composites are seen to complement each other and may be of interest in those applications where WC/Co composites have limitations. |