- Detection of Somaclonal Variation in Tissue Culture Regenerants of Pangolagrass
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題 名 | Detection of Somaclonal Variation in Tissue Culture Regenerants of Pangolagrass=盤固草A254之體細胞變異 |
作 者 | 王紓愍; 陳嘉昇; 成游貴; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 32:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁83-91 |
分類號 | 434.4 |
關鍵詞 | 盤固草; 體細胞變異; 組織培養; 化學誘變; Pangolagrass; Somaclonal variation; Tissue culture; Mutagensis; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 盤固草254為本省最主要的芻料作物之一,質優豐產,但因近年�蚽f及其他病蟲 漸趨嚴重,亟思育種改良。A254為三倍體的天然不稔品系,無法進行一般的育種程序,因此 試圖以組織培養及化學誘變劑EMS (ethy1 methanesulfonate) 處理促進A254的體細胞突 變,以供育種之用。本研究的主要目地在調查A254再生植株的變異情形並了解EMS的誘變效 果。依處理將A254的再生植株分為三群,A群為不經誘變劑處理直接由懸浮細胞再生而來的 再生植株群,B群為懸浮細胞經EMS處理後再生的再生植株群,C群為經EMS及10個月以上 的懸浮繼代培養產生之再生植株群。外表性狀調查發現,除B 群的匍匐莖數與葉寬二性狀 外,再生植株群其它各性狀的平均值與A254母株相近,但再生植株群的均方都較母株A254 大,而且經EMS誘變的再生植株變異較未處理者為大。另由C群的再生植株群中選擇外表性 狀與A254差異較大的植株10株,利用外表性狀及RAPD分析調查再生植株的變異,證實這些 植株確具DNA層次的變異,與A254的遺傳相似性在0.48~0.93之間。本研究顯示組織培養及 化學誘變劑的處理有助於體細胞變異的產生,A254利用懸浮培養系統及EMS處理可以產生遺 傳變異,供育種之用。 |
英文摘要 | Pangolagrass cv. A254, a sterile strain and a major forage source in Taiwan has been facing a serious disease problem. Genetic variations are expected to be generated by tissue culture and chemical mutagen EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate) in the breeding program of pangolagrass. Phenotypic character survey and RAPD analysis were conducted to examine the induced somaclonal variations of A254 regenerated plants by tissue culture and the EMS mutagensis. The regenerants of A254 were divided into three subgroups to meet the treatments; group A: the regenerants derived directly from suspension cells without any chemical treatment; group B: suspension cells were treated with EMS mutagensis; and group C: the long-term suspension (longer than 10 months) cells were treated by EMS. Except the characters stolons number and leaf width in subgroup B, the rest characters for all the regenerants were similar to those of A254, whereas the mean squares of the character for three regenerant subgroups were higher than those of A254. Ten clones from subgroup C with different characteristics from A254 were selected for further studies. Nine of them showed significant differences in morphological trains as compared with A254. By RAPD analysis, and a considerable degree of DNA polymorphism was found. Their genetic similarities with A254 ranged from 0.48 to 0.93. Results from the phenotypic character survey and RAPD analysis indicated that tissue culture and EMS mutagensis might help to derive genetic variations from A254 in the breeding program. |