題 名 | 空手道、跆拳道男子黑帶運動員和一般人的體能比較及其間相關之探討研究=The Difference of Reaction Time, Agility, Power and Strength Among Karate Black Belt Male Athletes, Taekwendo Black Belt Male Athletes and Male Non-Athletes |
作 者 | 王桂圓; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 4(下) 民88.01 |
頁 次 | 頁461-518 |
分類號 | 528.977 |
關鍵詞 | 空手道; 跆拳道; 運動員; 體能; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在(一)比較空手道、跆拳道運動員和一般人在反應時方面的差異, (二)比較空手道、跆拳道運動員和一般人在敏捷性方面的差異,(三)比較空手道、跆拳道 運動員和一般人在動力方面的差異,(四)比較空手道、跆拳道運動員和一般人在肌力方面 的差異,(五)探討反應時、敏捷性、動力和肌力等因素的相關性。 選取中華民國空手道協會黑帶以上的男選手22名為實驗一組(平均年度20.91±3.21歲 ),國立台灣體育專科學校82學年度跆拳道專長黑帶以上的男生21名為實驗二組(平均年 齡19.67±1.59歲),並自一般大專院校非運動代表隊的男生中隨機選取15名為對照組(平 均年齡21.00±1.73歲),接受反應時(全身反應時測驗)、敏捷性(側併步測驗)、動力 (垂直跳測驗和立定跳遠測驗)和肌力(背肌力測驗和腿肌力測驗)等變項的處理。 本研究中各項測驗的信度一律以再測法檢驗。同一測驗(變項)於三組間的差異,一 律以變異數分析(F-test),若達顯著水準(P<0.05),則進行事後比較。各因素(變項)間 的相關性,則取三組之數據合併為一組(全體受試者)以皮爾遜積差相關法統計其相關係 數。 在三組受試者的年齡、體重等基本條件具有等質性,同時,各項測驗數據的信度、效 度和客觀性都符合要求的前提下,將所獲各項結果予以分析討論後,於本研究範圍內可以 得到如下結論: (一)空手道、跆拳道黑帶運動員和一般人在反應時方面並無明顯差異(p>0.05)。 (二)空手道、跆拳道黑帶運動員和一般人在敏捷性方面有明顯差異,空手道和跆拳道黑 帶運動員都明顯的較一般人為優(p<0.05)。 (三)空手道、跆拳道黑帶運動員和一般人在動力方面並無明顯差異(p>0.05)。 (四)空手道、跆拳道黑帶運動員和一般人在肌力方面並無明顯差異(p>0.05)。 (五)動力(向前的)與敏捷性(向側的)、動力(向前的)與動力(向上的)、肌力( 背部的)與敏捷性(向側的)、肌力(背部的)與動力(向前的)、肌力(腿部的 )與肌力(背部的)間皆具有明顯的相關性(p<0.01)。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study were to (1)compare the difference of the reaction time among karate black belt male athletes, taekwendo black belt male athletes, and male non-athletes; (2)compare the difference of the agility among karate black belt male athletes, taekwendo black belt male athletes, and male non-athletes; (3)compare the difference of the power among karate black belt male athletes, taekwendo black belt male athletes, and male non-athletes; (4) compare the difference of the strength among karate black belt male athletes, taekwendo black belt male athletes, and male non-athletes; (5)examine the re- lationships among reaction time, agility, power, and strength. Subjects included three groups of young males (mean age 20.53 years old). Experimental Group Ⅰhad 22 karate black belt athletes; Experimental Group Ⅱ had 21 taekwendo black belt athletes and 15 non-athletes were used as the Control Group. They received whole body reaction test (reaction time), side step test (agility), standing broad jump and vertical jump tests (power), back strength and leg strength tests (strength). The results were as following: 1.The difference of reaction time among karate black belt athletes, taekwendo black belt athletes, and non-athletes was not significant (p>0.05). 2.The difference of agility among karate black belt athletes, taekwendo black belt athletes, and non-athletes was significant (F=13.89, p<0.05). In terms of agility, karate, and taekwendo athletes were superior than non-athletes. 3.The difference of power among karate black belt athletes, taekwendo black belt athletes, and non-athletes was not significant (p>0.05). 4.The difference of strength among karate black belt athletes, taekwendo black belt athletes, and non-athletes was not significant (p>0.05). 5.The relationships between standing broad jump and side step, standing broad jump and vertical jump, back strength and side step, back strength and standing broad jump, back strength and leg strength were significant (p<0.01). |