題 名 | 花胡瓜洗鹽數學模式=Mathematical Models of Pickled Cucumber Desalting Process |
作 者 | 李允中; | 書刊名 | 農業機械學刊 |
卷 期 | 7:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁65-77 |
分類號 | 463.76 |
關鍵詞 | 質量傳遞; 萃取; 數學模式; 醃漬花胡瓜; Mass transfer; Leaching; Mathematical models; Pickles; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 罐頭花瓜是國人日常食用的傳統食品,它的事還造程序必需經過酪潰與洗鹽的 過程。洗鹽過程消耗大量的水 , 對環境將引起街擊。洗鹽使用微分萃取法 , 這種 方法在其他行業較少應用 , 工程分析的文獻也較為稀少。本報告探討花胡瓜洗鹽 峙的質量傳遁現象 , 經由實驗草草得食鹽在歡潰黃瓜的分配係數與擴散係數。以實 驗與數學模式探討微分萃取的質量傳遞過程。數學模式所預測的萃取效率數值與 實驗值符合。利用數學模式分析得知 , 在萃取比低於 2 時 , 差分萃取可以有效的 改善萃取效率 , 但高萃取比時差分萃取反而成為不適用的方法。 |
英文摘要 | Soy-sauce flavored pickled-cucumber is one of the popular ethnic food consumed in Taiwan. Desalting plays a key role in the process. In the process, a great amount of fresh water is used such that the potential of environmental impacts is increasing. Differential extraction methods are applied in the desalting process, which are not common practices used in other industries. Engineering analysis of a differential extractor is not easy to find in the literature. Mass transfer during desalting process was studied, both diffusivities and distribution coefficients of salt in the pickled cucumber were experimentally obtained. A mathematical model for differential extraction was developed. Laboratory scale desalting process was studied, the results were compared to data that predicted by the mathematical model. The extraction efficiencies obtained by experimental studies were closely predicted by the mathematical model. As predicted by the mathematical model, differential extraction was favorite at stripping rate lower than 2, but at high stripping rate, differential extraction was quite unattractive. |