題 名 | 犬難產誘發之子宮積氣及死產=Dystocia-induced Physometra and Stillbirth in a Dog |
作 者 | 張力天; 馮翰鵬; 周文浩; | 書刊名 | 臺灣畜牧獸醫學會會報 |
卷 期 | 68:3/4 民87.12 |
頁 次 | 頁163-166 |
分類號 | 437.27 |
關鍵詞 | 難產; 子宮積產; 死產; 犬; Dystocia; Physometra; Stillbirth; Dog; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 一隻六歲博美懷孕母犬於83年12月14日中午出現破水現象,經過24小時後仍未產 出。於 15 日畜主發現該犬呈現厭食、沈鬱等症狀,而被送至國立中興大學附設家畜醫院就 診; 該母犬曾於 10 月 7 日及 9 日各配種一次,根據平均懷孕期 59-63 天, 此懷孕母犬 已為遲產。 經觸診發現該犬腹部脹繃,乳房含有乳汁;X 光照片則顯示有大於產道的單一氣 腫胎兒,且子宮內有大量氣體,指出已有感染引致之腐敗現象,並證實該胎兒已死亡。故診 斷為犬難產誘發之子宮積氣及死產。決定進行緊急帝王切開術及卵巢子宮摘除術,術後母犬 恢復良好。組織病理學檢查顯示胎兒已呈死後壞死變化,而子宮則有出血、發炎現象。 |
英文摘要 | A 6-year-old, pregnant Pomeranian was brought to National Chung Hsing University Veterinary Teaching Hospital on Dec. 15, 1994 because of anorexia and depression. The chorioallantoic sac (water bag) ruptured at the last noon but without delivering a fetus after 24 hours. The patient mated on Oct. 7 and 9, respectively. It showed postmature delivery by the average gestation length: 59-63 days. Simultaneously, the tense abdomen and lactation were noted by palpation. An oversized fetus in the genital tract and physometra (gas in the uterus) were observed on the X ray's films. These meant the fetus was dead and microbial infection was evident. So, a diagnosis ofdystocia- induced physometra and stillbirth was made. Therefore, Cesarean section and ovariohysterectomy were done immediately in order to rescue the patient with dystocia. It recovered well after surgery. The histopathological examination showed postmortem change of the fetus and inflammatory and hemorrhagic lesions of the uterus. |