- 1997年彰化秀傳紀念醫院受檢外籍勞工腸內寄生蟲感染調查研究
- 外籍勞工腸道寄生蟲感染率之調查
- Investigation on Subclinical Aspects Related to Intestinal Parasitic Infections among Thai Laborers in Taipei
- Intestinal Parasitic Infection Detected by Stool Examination in Foreign Laborers in Kaohsiung
- 臺灣南部地區外籍勞工腸道蠕蟲感染調查
- 由跨文化觀點探討外籍勞工人力資源管理與績效關係之研究
- 外籍勞工政策與管理
- 外籍勞工轉換雇主措施之探討
- 臺灣外籍勞工政策、問題與對策
- 薪資差異對外籍勞工與國內生產要素需求之影響
題 名 | 1997年彰化秀傳紀念醫院受檢外籍勞工腸內寄生蟲感染調查研究=A Survey on Parasitic Infections among Foreign Laborers Examined in the Show-chwan Memorial Hospital at Changhua in 1997 |
作 者 | 林益卿; 楊佩玉; 洪錫慶; 張慧如; 楊舒斐; 黃妍綸; 王家慶; | 書刊名 | 秀傳醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 1:1 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁35-41 |
分類號 | 415.291 |
關鍵詞 | 外籍勞工; 腸道寄生蟲; 鉤蟲; 泰國肝吸蟲; 鞭蟲; 阿米巴原蟲; Foreign laborers; Intestinal parasites; Hookworm; Opisthorchis viverrini; Trichuris trichiura; Entamoeba sp.; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 針對50611名於民國86年期間在秀傳紀念醫院體檢之外籍勞工腸內寄生蟲的感染 情形做一統計分析,利用張氏糞便檢查收集器收集糞便檢體,並採用修飾性福馬林-乙醚法濃 縮集卵,經硫汞-碘-蟻醛染色後以顯微鏡鏡檢。結果顯示有1850名外籍勞工感染,總陽性率 為3.66%。共發現22種腸內寄生蟲,發現率最高者為鉤蟲,佔總受檢數之1.67%;其他為鞭蟲 0.51%、微小阿米巴0.44%、大腸阿米巴0.34%、梨形鞭毛蟲0.32%、泰國肝吸蟲0.29%、蛔蟲 0.07%、糞小桿線蟲0.04%、短小包膜絛蟲0.03%、痢疾阿米巴0.02%、布氏薑片蟲0.01%、棘 口吸蟲0.01%、絛蟲0.01%、以及其他發現率小於0.01%的寄生蟲,包括嗜碘阿米巴、哈門氏 阿米巴、豬-人肉孢子蟲、人芽囊原蟲、蟯蟲、菲律賓毛線蟲、東方毛圓線蟲、肝毛線蟲、以 及曼氏血吸蟲。所有受檢呈陽性的檢體中,4.05%為多重感染者。進一步分析86年10月至 12月期間受檢之外勞感染情形,各種不同國籍之腸道寄生蟲感染率,分別為泰國籍3.07%、 印尼籍4.82%、以及菲律賓籍4.12%。複檢(3.57%)比新入境檢(3.09%)之外籍勞工感染率高。 上述結果顯示外籍勞工腸道寄生蟲的感染率偏高,對於如何避免境外寄生蟲引入臺灣,落實 檢疫工作,提昇檢驗品質乃為當務之急。 |
英文摘要 | This study is conducted to determine the incidence of intestinal parasite infection in foreign laborers examined in Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital during an one year period (1997). Of 50,611 laborers examined by the modified formaline-ether concentration and the merthiolate-iodine-formaline (MIF) stain methods, 1,850 (3.66%) of those workers were positive, and 22 kinds of parasites were identified. Among those 1,850 persons with intestinal parasites, hookworm was the most prevalent (1.67%). followed by Trichuris trichiura (0.51%), Endolimax nana (0.44%), Entamoeba coli (0.34%), Giardia lamblia (0.32%), Opisthorchis viverrini (0.29%), Ascaris lumbricoides (0.07%), Strongyloides stercoralis (0.04%), Hymenolepis nana (0.03%), Entamoeba hsitolytica (0.02%), Fasciolopsis buski (0.01%), echinostomes (0.01%), Taenia sp. (0.01%). and others whose infectious rate was less than 0.01% including of Iodamoeba buetschlii, Entamoeba hartmanni, Sarcocystis suihominis, Blastocystis hominis, Enterobius vermicularis, Capillaria Philippinensis, Trichostrongylus orientalis, Capillaria hepatica, and Schistosoma mansoni. Four percent of those 1,850 infected persons were infected with multiple parasites. Based on 13,804 specimens examined during a period of three months (October to December, 1997), the infectious rates of laborer from Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines were 3.07%, 4.82%, and 4.12% respectively. The infectious rate of re-examined foreign laborers (3.57%) was higher than the first time examined foreign laborers (3.09%). Our results revealed that parasitic infections were prevalent among foreign laborers, and it is important to improve the quality of the parasitic test in order to prevent the introduction of these parasites to the native Taiwan populations. |