題 名 | 我國參與國際數學奧林匹亞競賽學生的追蹤研究--環境影響之探討=A Follow-Up Study of Taiwan Mathematics Olympians |
作 者 | 吳武典; 陳昭地; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁347-366 |
分類號 | 529.61 |
關鍵詞 | 資優教育; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以1991至1994年間參與國際數學奧林匹亞競賽的三十六名學生(男34,女2 )為對象, 以修改自 James R. Campbell 之泛文化研究問卷及深度訪談探討下列問題:( 1)參與國際數學奧林匹亞競賽學生的現況如何?(2)那些家庭與學校因素影響受訪學生 數學能力的發展?(3)數學奧林匹亞競賽方案對數學資優生有何影響?主要發現如下:( 1)所有參賽學生在接受訪問時(迄 1996 年 5 月)均在大學就讀, 大多主修數學( 20 名,占 55% ),次為醫學( 7 名,占 19% )、電機( 6 名,占 17% )、物理( 2 名, 占 6% )與機械( 1 名,占 3% ); (2)大部份參賽學生是小家庭中的長子(女),且 很早便已顯露其卓越數學能力;(3)學生在班上的成績多半是「名列前茅」;(4)雖然 參賽學生的家庭之社經地位( SES )各不相同,但大多數仍屬高社經地位的家庭; (5) 參賽學生的家庭支持度高,學習環境良好;(6)一般說來,數學奧林匹亞經驗對參與之學 生有良好的影響,特別是在數學及科學的學習態度、自尊、自發性學習及獨立思考上為然; (7)受訪者進入大學後,幾乎沒有任何針對他們需要設計的特殊方案;(8)各受訪者對 電腦的熟練程度很不相同,這與其個人興趣及接觸電腦的方便程度有關;(9)因為受訪者 都仍是學生的身份,因此除數學外,並未顯現其他方面的特殊成就;(10)受訪的數學資 優學生在認知方面顯示較多共同特質(如喜歡做數學、好奇心強、喜歡思考等),在情意和 社會方面則有較大個別差異(在表達能力、人際關係、興趣、生涯習慣、運動、儀容等方面 )。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this follow-up study were to answer the following questions: (1) What family and school factors contribute to the development of the math talent of the Taiwan Math Olympians? (2) What impacts have the Olympiad program on the mathematically talented students? Thirty-six Taiwan Math Olympians (34 males and 2 females) were served as the subjects. By means of questionnaires survey and in-depth interview, the related data were collected. The questionnaires were developed by James R. Campbell for cross-national studies. The major findings were as follows: (1) the Olympians were mostly 1st-born child and were "discovered" in a early age; (2) most Olympians ranked highly in the class; (3) the SES of the Olympians's family were varied, though the majority were high; (4) the Olympians' family support and learning environment were reported strong and positive; (5) the Olympiad experiences were, in general, positive to the subjects, especially in learning attitude toward math and science, self-esteem, autonomous learning, and independent thinking; (6) there were almost none special program designed for the Olympians during their college years; (7) the degree of computer literacy were varied according to the subject's personal interest and the accessibility to the computer; (8) most Olympian's had not yet showed special achievement other than math as they were still students; (9) the Olympians were individuals with unique characteristics, they were more common in cognitive aspects than in social-affective domain. |