題 名 | 公平法有關不公平競爭行為,應如何適用「合理原則」或「當然違法」原則=Rule of Reason or Per Se Rule﹖An Assessment of Unfair Competition Acts Under the Fair Trade Law |
作 者 | 林廷機; | 書刊名 | 輔仁法學 |
卷 期 | 17 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁91-120 |
分類號 | 585.8 |
關鍵詞 | 不公平競爭行為; 合理原則; 當然違法; 公平交易法; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 公平交易法第十九條規範狹義之不公平競爭行為,而確保公平競爭即為其立法核心。執法者於認定構成該條行為類型後,是否尚須檢討事業活動之合理性或逕認為法律絕對禁止之行為態樣而當然違法,本文即在探討合理原則與當然原則在公平交易法第十九條之適用情形。 限制競爭行為包括集體杯葛、事業歧視行為及不正當限制交易相對人之事業活動,分別於第十九條第一、二、六款規範之。集體杯葛之事業行為基於商業動機而發動,則適用當然原則,對於非經濟上之動機而損害效果較輕微者,則適用合理原則。差別待遇行為及第六款之限制競爭行為類型,則因有其正當理由而可適用合理原則。 不正當營業競爭行為包括脅迫、利誘及不正當之方法,此為第十九條第三、四、五款之行為態樣。脅迫因具備高度可非難性,則應適用當然原則;利誘行為因有其定義程度上之困難,並無一定之標準,應適用合理原則;而不正當之方法屬不確定之法律概念,在認定上則應區別手段性格而分別適用當然原則或合理原則。當然原則與合理原則對於公平交易法之不公平競爭行為之解釋與認定,立於舉足輕重之地位。此兩大原則不僅於反托拉斯法有其貢獻,於相關學術領域相信亦有其揮灑之天地。 |
英文摘要 | Article 19 of the Fair Trade Law, with its possibility of exemption under six subsections, provides means for limiting the applicability of the unfair competition to unlawful restraints of trade. Fair Trade Commission uses similar policy considerations as the United States of America in approaching the antitrust jruisprudence, rule of reason and per se rule. However, the administrative and, or judicial concerns should be focused on elaborating these "rules" properly. Great difficulties in the fair trade law stem from the vague judicial declarations of the rule of reason analysis. Given the lack of a clear analytical framework for applying the rule of reason, the ruling in any given case provides little certainty about the legality of a challenged business activity in another context. On the other hand, under the per se rule, any arrangement among competitors having the purpose or effect of stifling market competition is illegal as a matter of law. The possible result of inflexible per se judgment is the premature dismissal of a novel arrangement with visible, potentially substantial proconsumer efficiency justifications. This article suggests that when commercial ethic values in a given society is downgraded by the challenged business activity per se rule should be applied. While the challenged business activity in not inherently evil with its practice, a more flexible rue of reason approach, emphasizing on economical aspects, may be adopted. |