題 名 | 杜象的藝術策略與美國現代主義=Duchamp's Artistic Strategy and American Modernism |
作 者 | 許瀞月; | 書刊名 | 視覺藝術 |
卷 期 | 1 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁25-40 |
分類號 | 940.9942 |
關鍵詞 | 杜象; 藝術策略; 美國; 現代主義; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文探討杜象的藝術策略,不以作品本身為目的,而以觀眾對杜象作品之接受為討論對象。而觀眾的角色並非被限制在傳統的框架之中,相反的,杜象利用觀眾對其作品之接受進行再創作。而欲檢視藝術策略之具體化,唯有將之納入歷史中。始得以查考杜象策略與觀眾之關係。 杜象在美國現代主義角色的佔據,以 1913 年武庫展《下樓梯裸女》一件而惡名昭彰並為其開端。其後,杜象與收藏家合作,或展示其創作,或策劃展覽,或指導收藏家收藏; 象無不展現其策略性運作,以挑戰社會文化機制中既有成規。接著,由於收藏家之收藏典其所舉辦之展覽,引導藝評家與美術館人進入杜象的策略之中。 結果,1949 年在芝加哥藝術院艾倫斯堡收藏展時,《下樓梯裸女》被視為美國現代主義之象徵。 同時,杜象亦有「收藏家創造收藏」之語,一方面道出了收藏家做為再創者的角色,另一方面卻使收藏家不只是作為引發藝評家典美術館人回庄杜象的觸媒,而且也是杜象策略的媒介。杜象的藝術策略藉由觀眾的參與,以致於產生杜象與藝眾、藝眾與觀眾之間的言說關係。這種關係非但不是固定的,反倒是隨時在變動之中,且深具巔覆性。在不斷的由創作者與觀眾的易位過程中,策略涉入展史軌跡,終至使歷史軌跡扭轉或偏斜。 |
英文摘要 | According to Marcel Duchamp, his work required the spectators response to be completed. The importance of Duchamp's art is not only the art works themselves, but also the response of the spectators. Thus, Duchamp's artistic strategy rested on a double-sided question. On one hand, can the spectators deprive artists of their sole authority? On the other hand, could Duchamp relinquish his authority? Duchamp promoted the interaction between the artist and the spectator in order to deprive artists of their sole authority. He incorporated discourses between the spectators and spectators into his works. American spectators responded to Duchamp and their reception created a Duchampian forum in American modernism. For example, when in the 1913 Armory Show Duchamp presented his "Nude Decending a Staircase," he became a notorious figure. Art critics thought the fragmented nude was immoral and ridiculous. Journalists criticized Duchamp's "Nude" as a disaster and made it the butt of jokes in many newspapers, such as "a lot of disused golf clubs and bags", "Rush (hours) descending a subway" and "an explosion in a single factory". However, some American collectors started to recognize him as an important modernist. Through their promotion, in the 30s and 40s Duchamp was invited to present his own works and to curate young artists' shows in museums and galleries. Some art critics and museum curators even considered him an American master of modern art. Perhaps Duchamp was inspired by the responses at the Armory Show; as his work became perceived as provocative, it became more important. Duchamp might have understood that the publicity contributed to his work, and that the "Nude" itself was completed by the public image of the work. On the other hand, Duchamp never completely relinquished his authority over the spectator's reception. He tried to use the process of reception to deflect the trajectory of history which was embodied in the discourses between the artist and the spectator, and between the spectator and the spectator. In this paper, I will examine the spectators' responses in art magazines, art journals and exhibition catalogues of the United States from 1913 to 1949. This will reveal Duchamp's ambiguous position with the incorporation of the spectator's reception in American Modernism. |