題 名 | 算命技巧裡的語言表演=Verbal Skill in Chinese Fortune-Telling |
作 者 | 羅正心; | 書刊名 | 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 |
卷 期 | 84 1997.秋[民86.秋] |
頁 次 | 頁37-60 |
分類號 | 293 |
關鍵詞 | 算命; 語言藝術; 表演; 羅織; 說話民族誌; Fortune-telling; Verbal art; Performance; Framing; Ethnography of speaking; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中國的算命學術,雖非學術正統,但陰陽五行生剋制化之旨,卻深入中國人的思 想。如果算命的目的在知道個人命運,則「命理」是引導至此目的的途徑。然而命理之外, 算命人運用特殊設計的語言內容,出之以某種表達方式與態度,敘說相應於顧客心理的話, 就能塑造微妙情境,建立個人權威,並在此過程中,安慰顧客之憂愁苦惱,指導其進退行止 ,使顧客在情感上得到滿足。作者以為算命人運用特殊的語言內容與表達方式等,即是算命 人的語言表演;且為了因應不同顧客,與現場所發生之狀況,故其語言表演,具有高度的策 略性與機動性。本文探討算命人的語言表演,並歸結其有關因素,進一步以「羅織」解釋算 命人語言表演的技巧。作者以「網羅」與「編織」說明「羅織」的特色,亦即「網羅」合乎 情境需要的資料,「編織」成為特定的論述形式,以導向算命人之預設目的。由於算命職業 所具有的諮詢特質,以及算命人亟欲在其顧客前保持權威氣勢,使得算命人的語言藝術在命 理學術外獨樹一幟,又與命理學術相輔相成,以表演之形態存在算命事件中。 |
英文摘要 | Chinese fortune-telling has remained outside of the mainstream of academic inquiry. Representations utilized in fortune-telling (a short list includes reproduction, conquest, as well as ying-yang and the five elements) are deeply rooted in Chinese thought. If the goal of fortune-telling is to know a person's fate, then the foretune-teller's knowledge is an important means for achieving that goal. A good part of a foretune-teller's knowledge is, in fact, knowledge of specialized verbal skills. Fortune-tellers have the skill to strategically and flexibly manipulate verbal performances so that moods and motivations are elicited from the client which consolidate the fortune-teller's authority at the same time that they direct the course taken by that client's emotions. Specific attention is given to the verbal skills of fortune-tellers in "framing" and especially of what the author calls "collecting" and "fabricating." That is, the fortune-teller's skills include those for collecting knowledge and then reworking that knowledge into his goal-oriented discourse. |