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題 名 | 寶山十四號井鑽井工程探討=Drilling Program and Filed Operation for the Paushan No.14 Well at Hsin-Chu |
作 者 | 陳太平; | 書刊名 | 鑛冶 |
卷 期 | 42:3=163 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁77-82 |
分類號 | 457.4 |
關鍵詞 | 寶山構造; 凝灰岩; 河排層; 打鹿頁岩; 井程控制; 泥漿性質; 套管計畫; 井孔穩定性; 卡鑽; 目標層; Paushan structure; Tuff; Hopai formation; Dalu shale formation; Well trajectory; Mud properties; Casing program; Well bore stability; Pipe stuck; Target zone; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 從1965年以來,寶山構造北地塊先後鑽鑿寶山三、四、五、六、七等五口井。於 河排層至打鹿頁岩遭遇崩塌性之凝灰岩,造成鑽井作業不順,影響鑽井工程進度甚劇。 本文主要介紹寶山十四號井鑽井計畫與鑽井操作經驗,以井程控制、泥漿性質控制、套 管計畫及井孔穩定性為主題,探討本井最佳鑽井操作策略,有效克服寶山地區引起卡鑽之凝 灰岩崩塌問題,提早鑽達目標層。 |
英文摘要 | Five wells (e.g., PS-3,PS-4,PS-5,PS-6 and PS-7) have been drilled in north block of Paushan structure since 1965. Owing to the event of caving caused by tuff between Hopai formation and Dalu shale formation in this area, the drilling operation was seriously difficult or hazardous and the progress was hindered greatly. The objective of this paper is to introduce the drilling program and field operation experience for the Paushan No.14 well, and to provide the optimizing drilling strategy in terms of well trajectory, mud properties, casing program and well bore stability. Based on this field investigation, we overcame effectively the caving problem of heaving tuff that caused the pipe stuck in past. Finally it was drilled to target zone on schedule and make a successful well. |