- 疏伐木製造家具之生產製程系統規劃研究
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題 名 | 疏伐木製造家具之生產製程系統規劃研究=Production System Planning on the Furniture Manufacturing from Thining Timber |
作 者 | 李瑞珍; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 17:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁569-579 |
分類號 | 474.3 |
關鍵詞 | 計劃評核術; 群組技術; 平衡線技術; 同步作業系統; PERT; Group technology; Line of balance; Synchronized production system; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 消費者偏好個性化產品,致使產品需求趨向多樣少量,所需加工的零組件變為多樣 且富變化。許多工廠製程未經系統規劃,生產線無法平衡,品質與交期難於掌握,疏伐木又 屬徑級較小且以未成熟材居多,由於木材是其有吸脫濕性的材料,當其含水率在纖維飽和點 以下時,隨其吸濕及脫濕之變化,容積亦隨之增減,即發生膨潤收縮現象,因此其膨潤收縮 率具有異方性。為使加工中的零組件品質穩定,縮短加工製造期間為主要方法之一,本文以 計劃評核術、群組技術、平衡線技術、同步作業系統等技術,聯合運用於家具製程系統規劃 ,並於個案工廠試行。 茲將結果摘要如下:1. 生產製程系統是由許多族群所連貫而成,研 究發現生產力的提高,必須是整體性的,而非單一個體,因此唯有不斷的消除瓶頸,在各項 工作或族群作業時間未平衡之前,系統生產力無法達到最佳。生產力的衡量必須以整個系統 的生產力為對象,而不應以個體為對象。 2. 透過計劃評核術可將產品途程及零組件相關性 以及加工優先順序在紙上作出規劃,並以群組技術配置機器群組,運用平衡線技術以及同步 作業系統,致使生產有隊形;有先後順序;有節奏。本研究將此製程系統命名為四合一生產 製程系統。 3. 個案工廠運用此生產製程系統後,生產線在製品達到零庫存的境界,減少木 材吸脫濕的變化所衍生的問題,品質穩定,交期準時,生產力初步提高百分之三十三,餐椅 由投入生產線至產出時間由原先需時七天,縮短為二天以內,品質不良率從百分之九降為百 分之一,更重要的是使員工有成就感。 |
英文摘要 | Customer is over-emphasized on the personalized products, thus the products making are going to be more types and less amount in the future, and the parts become more various. But the production in many factories is not through the systematic plan, which leads to the production line unbalanced and hard to control the quality and due date. This article focuses on the discussion in those technical skills, such as PERT, group technology, line of balance, synchronized production system and then integrated those technology into furniture manufacturing system planning and practice in the individual factory case. The results as are following: 1.The process of production system is consisted of many different groups. It was found that raising productivity must contain the whole scale, and can not be only single department work. It would not be improved in system productivity, before the group operational time balanced. 2.Through the PERT, it may put productive routing and relevant parts into the priority order on the paper work. Features linking group technology skills with the machining group, utilizing the balanced line technology and synchronized production system, and making the shape of the production, the orders and the temples. This research calls this production system as 'four in one' production system. 3.After utilized this productive system, production line of the case factory reached 'zero stock' for products and the problem which was caused by the dimensional stability of wood is gone. Therefore, the products is stable and in due time. Productivity has increased percentage of thirty. The completed schedule is reduced from seven days to two days, The rate of bad quality reduced from nine to one percentage, but the most significant thing was that the employs achievement. |