題 名 | 木材透明塗裝後之材色變化分析=Color Change in Wood after Clear Finishing |
作 者 | 盧崑宗; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 17:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁761-772 |
分類號 | 474.33 |
關鍵詞 | 木材; 透明塗裝; 曼氏表色系; CIEL*a*b*表色系; 木器塗料; 材色變化; Wood; Clear finishing; Munsell color system; CIE L*a*b* color system; Wood coatings; Color change in wood; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 將木材透明塗裝效果以視覺上最直接感受之色彩, 用客觀物理量加以表示,提供 家具塗裝設計時,選用塗料之參考。本試驗共選用目前家具工廠最常採用之4種針葉樹及6 種闊葉樹等10種木材,以曼氏(Munsell)色系測定其色相(H)、明度(V)及彩度(C),又以市售 常用之9種木器塗料塗裝後,以CIEL*a*b*值分析木材材色之變化;試驗結果發現未塗裝木 材曼氏色系之H,V/C值為5.88YR~0.35Y,5.96~8.18/2.57~5.33,屬橙色至黃色之暖色系,有 偏高明度及中、低彩度,並依材色將10種木材分類為淡色材(台灣杉、放射松、梣木、拉 敏、橡膠木)及褐色材(柳杉、落葉松、榆木、紅櫟木、柞木)。所有木材經各種塗料塗裝 後,以CIEL*a*b*,系統測定結果,明度均降低,彩度均增加,而色相之變化並無一定的規 則性。整體而言,色差值(△E*)、明度差值(△L*)及彩度差值(△C*)等之材色變化,以物理 乾燥型塗料如硝化纖維素拉卡(NC)及壓克力拉卡(AC)塗裝者為最小,亦即最能保持木材原 色,使木材具有透明、輕快的塗裝效果;而以氧化聚合乾燥型塗料如卡士漆(CW)及柚木油(TO) 塗裝者之材色變化最大,亦即使木材材色更深,而具有沉穩、溫潤的塗裝效果;其他逐步聚 合乾燥型塗料如酸硬化胺基醇酸樹脂塗料(AA)、不黃變型聚胺基甲酸酯塗料(PUN)及黃變型 聚胺基甲酸酯塗料(PUL)等,及游離基聚合乾燥型塗料如不飽和聚酯塗料(PE)及紫外線硬化 型塗料(UV)等之材色變化則介於前二類型塗料者之間。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is an attempt to analyze the change in wood color after clear finishing. Objective physical quantities such as Munsell color system and CIE L*a*b* color system were applied. 4 kinds of softwood, 6 kinds of hardwood and 9kinds of wood coatings were used in this paper. The results were summarized as follows: The hue, value and chroma (H, V/C) of wood obtained by Munsell color system were 5.88YR~0.35Y, 5.96~8.18/2.57~5.33. It revealed that the wood used in this paper were mostly in warm orange and yellow color, with higher value and low to midium chroma. The speciments could be differentiated into two systems: pale color wood (Taiwania, Monterey pine, White ash, Ramine and Rubber wood) and brown color wood (Cryptomeria, Larch, Elm, Red oak and Mongolian oak). After finishing with clear wood coatings, the value of wood decreased and chroma increased, but the order of hue lacked regular pattern. Generally speaking, the color difference (△ E*), brightness difference (△ L*) and chroma difference (△ C*) were the least when finishing with physically drying type coatings: e.g. nitrocellulose lacquer (NC) and acrylic lacquer (AC). The natural color of wood was maintained with transparent and graceful effect. On the other hand, the color change was the largest when finishing with oxidative polymerization type coatings: e.g. cashew (CW) and teak-oil (TO). The wood became darker with soft and deep effect on the coated wood. In addition, the color change of wood with another types of coatings such as step-growth polymerization type, e.g. acid curing aminoalkyd (AA), non-yellowing polyurethane (PUN), yellowing polyurethane (PUL) and radical polymerization type, e.g. polyester (PE) and UV-curing coating (UV) were between the former two types of coatings. The hue of wood was more reddish after TO finishing, and more yellowish with the other wood coatings. No regular relationship could be established among the hue difference (△ H*), △ C* and wood color, however the △ L* of brow color wood was larger than that of pale color wood for coated hardwood, and no regularity could be detected on softwood. |