題 名 | 住院中風病人主要照顧者負荷及其相關因素之探討=The Burden of Primary Caregivers' of Stroke Patients at Hospital and Its Related Factors |
作 者 | 劉春年; 胡月娟; 李孟智; | 書刊名 | 公共衛生 |
卷 期 | 25:3 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁197-209 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 住院中風病人; 主要照顧者; 負荷; Stroke patient; Primary caregiver; Burden; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 腦中風病人的復健與照顧工作是長期性的,照顧者因照顧責任而承受著巨大的生 活衝擊。本研究目的在了解住院中風病人的主要照顧者之負荷情形,並探討影響負荷之因素 。研究採結構式問卷及立意取樣,對中部某教學醫院及復健醫院之 94 位住院中風病人的主 要照顧者施以問卷調查。研究結果發現,住院中風病人的主要照顧者之三類負荷程度以社交 負荷最大,其次為心理負荷及身體負荷;負荷最重之前三項分別為「沒有自己的時間」、「 睡眠受影響」、「與家人相處時間減少」。相關因素分析發現,病人日常生活依賴程度愈高 、負向行為愈嚴重,及主要照顧者年齡愈大、對健康滿意程度差、與病人互動情形不佳、家 庭功能障礙、對中風認知較差、支持系統愈少者,其身體負荷與心理負荷愈大;照顧者為男 性則其社交負荷愈大。經由逐步迴歸分析結果也發現,病人負向行為,主要照顧者教育程度 、對健康滿意程度、與病人互動情形及經濟負擔感受為主要照顧者負荷的重要預測變項。本 研究結果將可提供臨床護理人員照顧中風病人的參考,重視住院期間主要照顧者的各層面負 荷,並提供協助及指導,以減少其壓力感受,使主要照顧者與病人能更正向的一起面對漫長 的照顧工作。 |
英文摘要 | Stroke patients need continuing rehabilitation and long-term care. The responsibility of caring stroke patient makes great impacts on caregivers' life. The purpose of this study is to understand the primary caregivers' burdens in caring stroke patients and to explore the factors associated with their burdens. Ninety-four participants from a teaching hospital and a rehabilitation center in central Taiwan were interviewed by the structured questionnaire. This structured questionnaire consists of the Family Apgar Index, the support system scale, and the caregivers' burden scale. Results showed that the greatest burden of caregivers is socially related burden, followed by psychologically related burden, and physically related burden. The leading three items of burdens are "no private-time", "interfering sleep", and "decreasing interaction with family". Patients' dependent level and negative behaviors, caregivers' age, educational level, length of caring, health condition, knowledge for stroke, interaction with patients, supporting resource, and impaired family function are associated with caregivers' physically related burdens. Patients' negative behaviors, and caregivers' health condition, length of caring, interaction with patients, supporting resource, and impaired family function are important factors to caregivers' psychologically related burdens. Caregivers' gender is also a significant factor to caregivers' socially related burdens. The results of regression analysis showed that five dependent variables, i.e., patients' negative behavior, and caregivers' educational level, health condition, interaction with patients, and financial problem, are important predictors for caregivers burdens. The results of this study provide rich information in caring stroke patients and their caregivers. |