題 名 | 緩解重症病患主要照顧者身、心、社會負荷之護理經驗=Nursing Experience in Relieving the Physical and Psychosocial Burden of the the Primary Caregiver of a Critically Ill Patient |
作 者 | 吳佳容; 陳宛儀; | 書刊名 | 源遠護理 |
卷 期 | 6:1 2012.05[民101.05] |
頁 次 | 頁56-64 |
分類號 | 419.73 |
關鍵詞 | 重症; 主要照顧者; 身心社會負荷; Critically ill patient; Primary caregiver; Psychosocial burden; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本篇報告主要分享如何緩解重症病患主要照顧者之身、心、社會負荷的護理經驗。護理期間自民國97年5月27日到6月10日,藉由觀察、會談、老人憂鬱量表、主要照顧者負荷量表及五大層面護理評估等方式收集相關資料,發現主要照顧者面臨的護理問題有(1)照顧者身體負荷過重(2)照顧者角色負荷過重(3)支持系統不足,經由個別性護理及整合醫療、家庭及社會資源,協助主要照顧者面對重症病患照護相關問題,改善主要照護者身、心、社會負荷,延續重症病人後續照護,藉此個案反思以家庭為中心的護理,分享相關照護經驗,進而期盼提升醫療照護品質,達到全人、全家、全程、全隊護理照護。 |
英文摘要 | This article describes the nursing experience in caring for the caregiver by relieving the physical and psychosocial burden of a primary caregiver of a patient in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Data was collected through direct observation and interviews during a two-week period in 2008. Tools used were the Evaluation of Geriatric Depression Scale, Primary Caregiver Burdens Scale and Five Aspect Appraise Interviews. Major nursing problems were 1) physical burdens of the primary caregiver; 2) overload of the primary caregiver role; and 3) insufficient social support system. An individualized multidisciplinary care plan that addressed both patient's medical needs and caregiver's family and social resources improved the continuum of care for the critically ill patient. This experience reflects family-centered care that improved quality, holistic care, continuity and team nursing care. |