題 名 | 少年犯罪矯治機構兒童.青少年的手足關係研究紀要--以彰化少年輔育院為對象=Sibling Relationships of Delinquent Youth and Juveniles--A Study in Taiwan Chang-Hua Juvenile Reformatory School |
作 者 | 余巧芸; | 書刊名 | 輔仁學誌. 法管理學院之部 |
卷 期 | 28 1998[民87.] |
頁 次 | 頁87-118 |
分類號 | 548.581 |
關鍵詞 | 手足關係; 青少年; 少年犯罪; 輔育院; Sibling relationship; Youth; Juvenile delinquent; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究為探索性研究,目的在了解犯罪少年的手足關係。以少年輔育院和兒童學苑的兒童及青少年為研究對象。運用問卷調查法和個別訪談法進行資料搜集。研究後發現下列幾點: 1.本研究之犯罪兒童、青少年的家庭型態以單親家庭所佔比例最高,其次為核心家庭。手足可能成為重要支持來源。 2.犯罪少年肯定手足的正功能。 3.犯罪少年認為會吵架是有手足的最大壞處。 4.犯罪少年以排行老么的比率最高。 5.爭執的原因,除不幫家事和勞逸分配不均有關外,其餘皆與尊嚴被侵犯、生活受干擾、不被尊重等有關。 6.化解手足爭執多採取自然忘記及溝通、道歉、講和兩方式。 7.首次作案或被捕時多與朋友同行,但接受輔育時,手足關心的比率,複選合計僅次於父母。 8.手足關係的因子為疏離、專制、調和和競爭等。 9.認為父母偏心者,手足有明顯疏離和競爭特質。 10.希望與手足的關係變得更好是本研究對象的共同願望。 |
英文摘要 | This study explores and seeks understanding of sibling of sibling relationships among delinquent youth and juveniles. Sample populations taken from institutions for delinquent youth and juveniles, and from ordinary schools were examined by questionnaire and interview. Main conclusions are, 1.Among types of family structures reported by the subject delinquents, single-parent family is the most frequent; nuclear-family structure is next-most frequent. In those types of family environments sibling relations may be particularly important sources of support. 2.Subject delinquents affirm positive function of sibling relationships. 3.Subject delinquents view "quarreling" as the worst aspect of their sibling relations. 4.A high proportion of the subject delinquents are the youngest child in the family. 5.Uneven allocation of household chores among siblings is the most important cause of tensions; feelings of interference or dignitary invasion is next-most important. 6.Subjects most often joined together with a friend or friends in their first offense, but those friends did not provide continuing support; such support ordinarily came only from family members. 7.Competitive episodes among siblings are most often reconciled simply by forgetting, sometimes by talking it over, apology or purposeful peacemaking. 8.Four factors emerge from factor analysis of sibling relationship data: alienation, authoritarianism, competition, and conciliation. 9.Alienation and competition among siblings increases with incidence of parent partiality. 10.Subjects of the study uniformly expressed the wish for better sibling relations. |