題 名 | 影響少年事件審判結果的法律與非法律因素--論司法審判的公正與客觀性=Influence of Legal and Extra-Legal Factors in Juvenile Court Decisions |
作 者 | 周愫嫻; | 書刊名 | 輔仁學誌. 法管理學院之部 |
卷 期 | 28 1998[民87.] |
頁 次 | 頁23-54 |
分類號 | 587.876 |
關鍵詞 | 少年事件審判過程; 法官審判行為; 觀護人與少年處遇; 青少年犯罪; 法律與社會學; Decision-making in juvenile court; Judge's decision-making; Probation officer and treatment for juvenile delinquents; Juvenile delinquency; Sociology of law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要目的在於分析影響少年事件審判結果之法律(legal factors )與非法律因素(extra-legal factors)。根據過去的研究發現,法官審判時除了會考慮法律因素之外(如犯行嚴重度、前科記錄、受害情況等),也會將其他與法律無關的因素加入審判的考慮中(如少年族裔、性別、年齡、家庭背景,法院組織、法官背景等)。本文以八十五年臺北地方法院少年法庭所審理之少年管訓事件為研究對象,綜合觀護調查報告以及裁定書等資料,企圖在控制犯行嚴重性,前科、受害人受害程度等法律因素後,進一步分析審判結果如果受到少年性別、年齡、體型、父母教育程度、教養方式、婚姻狀況、經濟條件、犯罪紀錄,和觀護人意見等非關法律因素之影響。 研究主要發現有:(一)不論是全國或是臺北地方法院少年法庭,對於少年管訓事件的裁定均傾向於採用訓誡暨假日輔導及保護管束兩種方式。至於較為嚴厲的感化教育處分,通常不會超過5%;(二)在觀護人提出具體的裁定建議及其它條件不變下,影響審判結果的因素依重要性分別是:觀護人的裁定建議愈嚴重、少年犯行愈嚴重、父母教養方式不適當、男性少年者,所獲處分愈重;(三)在觀護人未能提出具體裁定建議以及其它條件不變下,影響審判結果的因素依重要性分別是:少年前科愈多、觀護人建議從重處分、父母婚姻關係愈破碎不融洽、男生、犯行愈重,所得處分也愈嚴厲;(四)當犯行和前科紀錄等法律因素相同時觀護人裁定建議、少年家庭結構與功能和性別是影響審判結果最重要的非法律因素。本研究也研究也分析了少年觀護人在審判過程中扮演的角色以及發揮關鍵作用的運作機制。 本文最後以司法審判之公正與客觀性出發,討論少牛事件中非法律因素影響審判結果所彰顯的法律與社會學意義。 |
英文摘要 | Previous research has shown that juvenile court sentencing decisions are affected by extra-legal factors such as ethnicity, gender, age, and family background of the offender, as well as organizational system of the court and personal background of the judge, in addition to the effects of legal factors such as severity of offense, resulting harm to victims, and prior record of the offender. This study, based on 2,282 cases in the juvenile court of Taipei District, inquires into the effects of a set of extralegal factors: offenders' gender, age, physical type, marital status, SES, parents' educational level and parenting skills level, and probation officers' views. First, probation and counseling are found to be the most frequent sentences. Less than 5% of sentences included commitment to correctional facilities. Second, it is found that in cases which involve severe offenses and where probation officers made specific sentencing recommendations, male youths received more severe sentences than females. Third, it is found that in cases where probation officers did not make specific sentencing recommendations, male youths from broken homes who had prior records received more severe sentences than others. Finally, it is found that probation officers' views as to treatment of juvenile offenders, as to structure and function of offender's family, and as to offender's gender, are the most influential extra-legal factors. Discussion of fairness, objectivity, and equal treatment issues is given, together with implications for further research on juvenile court sentencing. |