- 等向性短纖維複合材料軸向彈性性質理論模式
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題 名 | 等向性短纖維複合材料軸向彈性性質理論模式=A Theoretical Modeling of the Elastic Properties for Isotropic Short Fiber Composites |
作 者 | 趙振平; | 書刊名 | 華梵學報 |
卷 期 | 5 1998.08[民87.08] |
頁 次 | 頁53-59 |
分類號 | 440.34 |
關鍵詞 | 短纖維複合材料; 彈性力學; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要在研究等向性短纖維材料加入等向性基底材料,所構成之短纖維複合材 料之彈性力學性質,包括軸向彈性模數 (E �� )c。 及軸向波松比 (V �� )C 其方法為利用 簡單之體積平均應變或應力 (VoIume average strain or stress) 之觀念進行推專, 所得 之結果亦能恢復至連續纖維時之混合律 (rule of mixture) 之公式, 而導得之公式除可探 討短纖維複合材料之纖維尺寸效應外,組成材料常數之影響亦可求得,而對於裂縫或孔隙問 題亦可依此模式加以考量,可謂一簡單而實用之模式。 |
英文摘要 | The present study is focused on the elastic properties of short fiber composed which are composed of isotropic short fiber and matrix. The properties perties include the longitudin Young's moulus (E��)c and the longitudinal Poisson's ratio (V �� )c. The ideawe used here is simply the manipulation of the volumeaverage strain or stress in the constituents results in the volume average strain or stress in composites. The results obtained can also be reduced to the famous formula of rule of mixture for continuous fiber composites. In parametric analysis, the size effects of fiber and the effects from the properties of constituents are also presented in this paper. Besides the elastic properties of short fiber composites can be predicted, this model can also deal with the properties of material with holes or cracks. The model presented here has its merits of simplicity and practice. |