題 名 | 臺灣關係法制訂二十週年的回顧=Taiwan Relations Act: Twenty Years Later |
作 者 | 錢復; | 書刊名 | 理論與政策 |
卷 期 | 12:4=48 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁5-10 |
分類號 | 578.219 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣關係法; 美國國會; 臺灣; 民主化; Taiwan relations act; U.S. Congress; Taiwan; Democratization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以作者個人參與折衝中美斷交後新關係之重建為基礎,回顧臺灣關係法之制 定及執行情形。本文首先指出,中美關係生變後,美方雖期望仍維持與我的「非官方」關係 ,但在實際上並未做好斷交後的準備。其次,因為美國國會的介入,使得我國的處理原則, 如兩國關係持續不變、事實基礎、安全保障、妥定法律、政府關係等得以獲得充份考量,國 會此一作法更是美國歷史上首度出現由國會立法規範與另一國家的關係。第三,該法實施以 來,在法之合憲性、對臺軍售質量、乃至雙方投資貿易等重要問題上的解決方式,都對我方 有相當正面的影響。因此本文最後特別籲請今後應繼續爭取美國朝野正確認知及忠實執行臺 灣關係法。 |
英文摘要 | This article contains three parts. The first describes the author's role as chief negotiator with the US during the period immediately following US derecognition of the Republic of China. In line with late President Chiang Ching-kuo's five principles (status quo relationship, a factual base, a security guarantee, legal foundation, and inter-governmental relations) the author began negotiations with his American counterpart only to discover that the United States had in actuality made no preparations for the new Washington-Taipei relationship. Secondly, the writer analyzes the enactment by the US Congress of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA)-- the first case in American history where the Congress passed legislation to regulate US relations with a foreign country. This Act sought to ensure the security of Taiwan and to create "unofficial" entities, with certain privileges and immunities, to manage bilateral ties. Additionally, the aforementioned five principles were incorporated into the regulations of this legislation. Finally, this article discusses that more than twenty years have passed since the enactment of the TRA. During this period, the relationship between the two sides has continued to evolve. In accordance with the regulations stipulated in the TRA, the US has continued to supply the military equipment necessary for the defense of Taiwan. Under this security framework, Taiwan has become an important trading partner to the US, with total bilateral trade volume increasing more than seven times since 1978. One could even argue that these security and economic effects of the TRA have also contributed to Taiwan's democratization process. |