題 名 | 臺灣地方派系的發展與政治民主化的關係=The Relations between Local Faction and Political Democratization on Taiwan |
作 者 | 趙永茂; | 書刊名 | 政治科學論叢 |
卷 期 | 7 1996.06[民85.06] |
頁 次 | 頁39-55 |
專 輯 | 政治理論 |
分類號 | 573.09 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 地方派系; 政治民主化; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣在社會經濟快速發展、城鄉差距日深、政商結合、金錢政治、賄選政治、以及黑道政治生態環境之下,已對傳統地方派系的結合屬性、權力結構與動員力,產生很大的衝擊與影響。 影響所及,已使地方派系由原來情感情結合的型態逐漸變成功利性結合的型態,而原先社會性、文化性的結合關係亦逐漸轉變為新政經結合的結構。而其權力運作方式則由原先封閉式寡頭威權領導的型態轉入開放多元領導的型態。派系與國民黨原有的依附關係亦逐漸顯現自主結盟的關係,原來的依附互惠關係亦逐漸導入自主互惠的關係。而早期派系一黨化(國民黨)的關係則逐漸導入派系多黨化的趨勢。此外,在強有力新興財團、政治、社會、運動與勢力的衝擊之下,原有派系內寡頭政經壟斷的結構已鬆動,代之而起的是新興財團、黑道、政治勢力的結合,而產生多元分贓的新共生結構,對地方的政經社會資源,甚至選舉的提名與動員,仍然有相當大的支配力或影響力。此外,在功利政治與新政經社會結盟的環境下,也促成原來常見的兩元(派)均衝的型態有逐漸朝向多元(派)均衡的發展趨勢。另外,派系樁腳結構在功利與金錢政治的衝擊之下,其原有的動員基礎,亦漸由穩定、嚴密與凝結走向鬆動與變體,此一現象,在許多地區已大為削弱派系原有的動員力量。 |
英文摘要 | In Taiwan, the change of the following factors which including the socio-economic development, the developmental gaps between urban and rural area, politics-business coalition, money politics, bribery politics and mafia politics, have been given a very immense impact on the traditional coalition patterns, power structure and election mobilization power of local factions. Under these circumstances, local factions have been changed its coalition patterns from affection-together to utility-coalition, and from social or cultural coalition to economic-political coalition. Furthermore, it also changed its relations with KMT from the early patron-clientel style to be more independent. Meanwhile, the circumstances of utilitarian politics and newly political-economic coalition structure have been pushed the original bi-faction style trend toward the multi-faction style. Besides, under the impacts of the new rising local businessmen groups, the traditional oligarchical monopoly structure has been gradually corrupted, and seemed replaced by the new co-existence context of the new rising businessmen group, mafia and new local political leaders. |