題 名 | 水稻秧苗生育特性之遺傳育種研究(12)--秧苗根伸長方向之變異=Genetic Studies on Seedling Growth in Rice(12)--Growth Directions of Crown and Seminal Roots |
作 者 | 林素汝; 吳詩都; 曾富生; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 184 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁34-44 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 冠根; 種子根; 伸長方向; 矮性基因; Oryza sativa; Crown root; Seminal root; Growth direction; Dwarf gene; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 使用水稻257個品種及具有“Shiokari”遺傳背景的21個矮性近同源 系為材料。將發芽種子播種於盛洋菜膠之燒杯,置於暗黑之恆溫箱5天後調查 冠根及種子根之伸長方向(生長角度)。 調查的257個水稻品種,顯示冠根之伸長角度在品種間有顯著差異、角度 為-60~<0°之氣根型品種約有11%;而屬深根型、角度大於60°以上者僅有6%; 同時也發現冠根角度之品種間差異,因地理分佈之不同而有差異,一般來自東 南亞洲及非洲品種較多為氣根,而來自東北亞及歐洲則多為深根。至於種子根 也顯示其伸長角度在品種間有顯著差異,但在地區間則類似。 矮性基因對冠根角度之影響,雖因基因不同而有差異,然而基因d-18h、d- 6及d-52則有增加伸長角度增強深根性的效果。 |
英文摘要 | In the experiment, 21 dwarf near-isogenic lines with the genetic background of "Shiokari" , and 257 rice varieties from foreign ad domestic sources, were used as materials. Single germinated seed was planted on the agar bed under darkness, the varietal differences in growth directions (growth angle) of crown and seminal roots was investigated after five days at seeding. There were significant differences in growth angle of crown roots, ranging from -60 ~90°, among the 257 tested varieties, about 11% of the varieties were aerial root type (-60°~0°) while about 5% showed deep-root type (>60°). Also, the differences between the varieties were significant in the seminal roots. Geographical difference was also found in crown root, varieties from Southeast Asia and Africa appeared more aerial roots, those from Northeast Asia and Europe grew more deep- rooted. Some pleiotropic effects of dwarf genes were found on the growth angle of root distribution. The effects are depended upon the kind of dwarf genes. The dwarf genes of d-18h, d-6 and d-52 increased the growth angle of crown root, and also affected the deep root distribution. |