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- 微量元素及保護氣體對304不銹鋼氬銲穿深效應之影響
題 名 | 微量元素及保護氣體對304不銹鋼氬銲穿深特性之影響=Sutdy on the Effect of Frace Elements and Shielding Gas on the Welding Penetration on 304 Stainless Steel |
作 者 | 謝榮淵; 潘永村; 劉宏義; | 書刊名 | 銲接與切割 |
卷 期 | 8:6 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁58-66 |
分類號 | 472.14 |
關鍵詞 | 微量元素; 保護氣體; 304不銹鋼; 氬銲; 銲道穿深; Minor elements; Surface tension temprerature gradient; Weld pool; Penetration; Depth/width ratio; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在於探討微量元素及保護氣體對 304 不�袗�氬銲銲道穿深之影響。 鋼材以氬銲進行板上單道銲接後,以光學投影機量測銲道之穿深及寬度。此外,也進行電孤 電壓之量測以了解氣體成份對電壓之影響。 另外,也利用 OM 及 SEM 進行銲道冶金特性之 分析。 結果顯示,O 及 S 因屬表面活性元素,會增加表面張力溫度梯度,故可提高銲道之 穿深 / 寬度比值。A1 雖不是表面活性元素,但會與 O 結合而減低銲池之固溶 O 含量,因 而顯著降低穿深 / 寬度比值。而 Si,P 等元素對穿深 / 寬度比值之影響則是相當輕微。採 用 Ar + 1%O �祟� Ar + 5%H �砲i大幅提高穿深 / 寬度比值, 前者是由於增加銲池之固溶 O 含量,後者則是產生比純 Ar 氣更熱之電弧所致。 |
英文摘要 | The effects of minor elements and shielding gases on the penteration of TIG welding in 304 stainless steel have been studied The bead-on-plate test was performed and then the depth and width of weld were measured using optical projection machine. On the other hand, the arc voltage was measured with an arc data monitor. In addition, the metallurgical characteristics of weld were examined using OM and SEM. The results show that oxygen and sulfur are beneficial in increasing depth/ width ratio because of the increased surface tension temperature gardient. Element, such as aluminum, which has a deleterious effect on the depth / width ratio will combine with oxygen, and reduce the soluble oxygen content in the weld pool. On the other hand, silicon and phosporus have minor effect on the depth / width ratio. Shielding gas using Ar + 1%O �� can significantly promote the depth/width ratio. The former is due to the increased the soluble oxygen content in the weld pool, and the latter is due to the production of hotter arc than pure argon. |