- Determinants of the Marital Dissolution and Female Labor Supply
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題 名 | Determinants of the Marital Dissolution and Female Labor Supply=婚姻解組決定因素的探討與婦女勞動供給之關係 |
作 者 | 徐美; | 書刊名 | 人口學刊 |
卷 期 | 19 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁143-160 |
分類號 | 544.5 |
關鍵詞 | 勞動參與率; 婚姻解組; 離姻機率; Labor force participation; Marital dissolution; Probability of divorce; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 自1980年起,臺灣離婚女性的勞動參與率逐年快速上升。臺灣離婚女性與先進開發工業國家的離婚婦女存有許多相似的特性,在過去有不少對歐美各國離婚婦女勞動力所做之研究文獻,然迄今尚未有以現存之勞動供給模型來研究臺灣離婚婦女的勞動市場行為。本研究之目的,即是以調查分析臺灣離婚婦女的勞動供給及婚姻解組之決定因素,以彌補此研究上的缺憾。本研究運用Heckamn’s二階段分析法及Tobit模型來估計離婚婦女的勞動參與率與工時函數。資料採用1993「人力資源調查」資料及其附帶調查之「婦女婚育調查」資 料。實證結果支持「婦女會增加工作時數,累積在勞動市場中的工作經驗,以預防規避離婚風險的上升」之論證。並且因此歸結,相對應於離婚風險上升1%時,婦女年工時會因而增加500至600小時。此外,本研究資料亦佐證了妻子之經濟獨立對於婚姻解組具有顯著影響之假說。同時,我們亦發現在台灣的家庭中'、偏好兒子,之傳統觀念對於婚姻解組亦扮演著舉足輕重的角色,而婚姻解組之風險會經由妻子將其時間多分配於家中小孩與老人的看護,以及對家事的貢獻而大大地降低。此一研究與結果提供了研究臺灣婦女勞動供給之現存文獻另一新的探索角度與方向,並且解釋了部分婦女工時上升之因素。 |
英文摘要 | The labor market participation of divorced women in Taiwan, though not impressive, has been increasing since 1980. Despite the many similarities that divorced women in Taiwan share with the advance industrialized countries, no attempt has been made to apply the available labor supply models to study the labor market behavior of divorced women. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by investigating divorced women's labor supply and the determinants of marital dissolution in Taiwan. Using the recent developments in econometric techniques and constructed data sets from DGBAS, labor force participation and hours of work are estimated under alternative specifications. The empirical results support the hypothesis that a wife has hedged the high probability of marital dissolution by increasing hours of work in the labor market to accumulate job experience. Therefore, we conclude that a 500- to 600- hour increase in the female annual hours of work can be attributed to 1 % rising divorce risk. This research provides a new aspect in explaining the rise in females’ hours of work shedding light on existing researches on female labor supply in Taiwan. |