- Docetaxel (Taxotere)--治療乳癌與肺癌的新藥
- Vinorelbine (Navelbin[feb9])--對抗肺癌與乳癌之新藥
- 跨世紀的抗癌新藥--Docetaxel(Taxotere)
- 我國醫療工業發展之方向(2)--癌症篩檢之技術與器材之發展
- Incidental Finding of Focal TI-201 Avid Extracardiac Uptake on the Raw Projection of Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
- 標靶藥品用於晚期轉移性乳癌之新趨勢
- The Effects of Pesticides Chlordane, Dieldrin and Endosulfan on the Growth of Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines MCF-7 and SK-BR-3
- Prognostic Factors in Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients: The Experience in Taiwan
- Lung Cancer in Pregnancy: Report of Two Cases
- Ifosfamide-Based Chemotherapy for Previously Treated Lung Cancer Patients