題 名 | 玫瑰消費者之消費行為研究=A Study on Buying Behavior of Rose Consumers |
作 者 | 潘德芳; 楊世華; | 書刊名 | 中華農業研究 |
卷 期 | 47:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁179-186 |
分類號 | 431.25 |
關鍵詞 | 玫瑰; 消費者行為; 市場區隔; Logit模型; Roses; Consumers' behavior; Market segmentation; Logit model; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以玫瑰花為研究對象,探討玫瑰消費者之消費行為相關問題, 並配合消費 者行為理論及市場區隔理論,建立玫瑰之市場區隔 logit 模型, 並進行實證分析,依據不 同區隔市場之特徵,擬定行銷策略。研究結果發現:玫瑰的購買型態,為玫瑰之重度購買者 (玫瑰年購買額在 2,032 元以上者),約占總人數之二成, 其購買量占玫瑰總購買量之七 成以上;主要用於禮節(送禮)用途;消費者最重視之因素為保鮮程度、花瓣顏色及花瓣壽 命;因花語係表達精神層面之意涵,對個別消費者之重要性差異很大;玫瑰重度購買者之特 性包括年紀較輕者、高個人所得及高家庭所得等,因玫瑰主要用途在於送禮表達情意,是以 在產品品質與包裝設計上均非常重要。為拓展個內花卉消費市場之規模,應可透過媒體、廣 告及花卉展售會等相關活動,宣導花卉相關知識及資訊,以建立國人對花卉之正確認知與態 度,並提高社會大眾購買花卉之意願。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to inquire into the behavior of rose consumers and the segmentation of rose markets in Taiwan. For this purpose, the theories of consumers' behavior and market segmentation are developed. Factor analysis was mainly applied on rose consumption; logit model estimation was especially used on the segmentation of rose market. The results showed theat twenty percent of consumers were ones with high consumption of rose, accounting for seventy percent of total rose supplies. Consumers buy roses mainly for making gifts and are thought as high brightness, color and life of the rose's petals. In addition, rose language is also an important reason in rose consumption. Moreover, roses were consumed mostly by people with elegance or highly-income families. The results indicate age and income as well as characteristics of rose petals have a great influence on rose consumption and segmentation of rose market. It is, therefore, that the development of highly quality of roses could advance its market share in the future. |