- 二次世界大戰後美國華僑社會嬗變的狀況探析,1950-90
- 第二次世界大戰後美國華人的地位變遷
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- 從二次移民看臺灣族群關係與地方開發
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- 族群認同與國際移民趨勢
- 異地發聲:媒介科技和移民的族群認同 [評:Casey Man Kong Lum, In Search of a Voice: Karaoke and the Construction of Identity in Chinese America (Lawrence Erlbaum Association, 1996)]
題 名 | 二次世界大戰後美國華僑社會嬗變的狀況探析,1950-90=The Changes and Challenges of Chinese-Americans, 1950-90 |
作 者 | 陳靜瑜; | 書刊名 | 興大歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁229-270 |
分類號 | 577.252 |
關鍵詞 | 嬗變; 華僑社會; 老華僑; 新華僑; 族群; 移民; Change; Chinatown; Old Chinese immigrant; New Chinese immigrant; Ethnicity; Immigration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
英文摘要 | This research attempts to analyze the changes and challenges of new Chinese immigrants in America after World War Two. At the same time, there are lots of problems and challenges from outside and inside Chinatowns. The first part is a brief historical retrospect of the new Chinese immigrants and Chinatown's traditional kinship and organizations based on Crissman's segmentary model. The second part of this work tries to explain the break-down of traditional Chinatown's organization and the new characteristics of new immigrants, such as the more balanced sex ratio, better education, skill and experience, and family-orientation. The third part tries to use a class model to analyze the new challenges of the new immigrants after World War Two. New immigrants live outside Chinatowns with only little or no connection with the traditional Chinatown organization. They enter various kinds of job market and have access to nontraditional associations. There is no pyramid organization to confine these new Chinese immigrants to an isolated and autonomous group. The familyoriented migration makes the household become a basic unit for these new immigrants to cope with different problems. From the Chinese-U.S. policy, one may develop different social webs or networks to enlarge one's contact and social activities. This part also tries to show that different adaptive strategies have been adopted by people in different ethnicities to deal with various kinds of problems in their daily life. |