題 名 | 培根的知識論與方法論及其對教育的啟示=The Educational Philosophy of Francis Bacon for Apocalypse of Education |
作 者 | 賴靜瑩; | 書刊名 | 教育研究 |
卷 期 | 6 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁325-342 |
分類號 | 144.32 |
關鍵詞 | Bacon, Francis; 培根; 知識論; 方法論; 歸納法; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 培根的思想,可說是中世紀經院主義,與文藝復興後期形式主義的一種反動,他 高喊「知識及權力」的口號, 反抗傳統的權威,強調自然現象的研究,提倡科學方法的改革 ,提倡科學知識與歸納方法,以及主張知識服務人生的實用目的,創立了近代經驗主義的學 派,他雖無教育上的著作,但是他的思想與科學方法,卻直接或間接或間接的影響了教育的 各層面。本文採文獻調查及哲學分析的方法,以培根的知識論、方法論為主題,探討其思想 意涵,並以其「去除人心的四偶像」、新工具 --- 歸納法為重心, 析論其義,並從中得出 其對我國教育的啟示。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is used literature survey and philosophical analysis method. It contains Fancis Bacon's philosophy and scientific knowledge. The research purpose is to find out some great apocalypses that are useful to our education. "Knowledge is power." "Nature to be commanded must be obeyed." These are the most important contributions of Francis Bacon to the futurity. Bacon's thought is the counteraction of Scholasticism it exists for a long time since the middle--- age century. He advocated scientific knowledge, scientific method and "induction". He believed that "Knowledge is power" and "Science is great". Everthing could be solved with scientific method. People can do everthing by themselves, not by God. This is a kind of encourage and power of human beings. His philosophy and scientific thought had a great influence on many aspects, especially on scientific education, educational thought, educational goals, educational contents and educational methods. It provides a very good opportunity for us to learn and introspection. |