題 名 | 以彩色時間性物件導向裴氏圖為基礎之自動化製造系統排程方法=Scheduling Automated Manufacturing Systems Using Colored Timed Object Oriented Petri Nets an Example of Decision Support System |
作 者 | 王立志; 吳紹穎; | 書刊名 | 工業工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 15:3 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁269-286 |
分類號 | 448.945 |
關鍵詞 | 物件導向方法; 裴氏圖; 作業排程; 自動化製造系統; Object-oriented method; Petri net; Operations scheduling; Automated manufacturing systems; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自動化製造系統(automated manufacturing system/AMS)常會面臨資源衝突 (conflict) 與死鎖 (deadlock) 情形的發生, 如何充分掌握系統動態行為的特性,事先的 偵測與排除死鎖性形, 並獲得一良好的作業排程,將直接且迅速的影響 AMS 之生產績效, 也成為發展 AMS 的成敗關鍵。 本研究以彩色時間性物件導向裴氏圖 (colored timed object-oriented petri net/CTOPN) 為基礎,發展出 CTOPN 排程演算法,針對經由 CTOPN 模式分析及驗證過控制邏輯的 AMS 進行排程分析, 並迅速的獲得一近似製距時間 (makespan) 最短的現場排程。CTOPN 模式不但具備裴氏圖 (petri net) 圖形化表達及控制 邏輯數理分析能力,擁有物件導向高模組化、重複使用和易於維護更新等特性,並同時提供 一整合的技術與環境,有效的將建模 (modeling)、分析、排程與控制整合於 AMS 系統的發 展與建構過程中。 |
英文摘要 | Resource conflicts and deadlock are two critical problems in an automated manufacturing system (AMS), the successfulness of an AMS is highly depending on if we can coordinate the dynamic behavior in an efficient and effective manner (e.g., detect and avoid deadlock, follow an efficient operations schedule). In this paper, a new paradigm, called CTOPN (colored timed object-oriented Petri net), is employed to model the dynamic behavior of an AMS, then a scheduling algorithm is developed to search a near optimal operations schedule for the AMS modeled by a CTOPN in terms of minimum makespan. The CTOPN approach owns not only the characteristics of Petri nets(e.g., graphical representation an mathematical analysis capability of the control logic) and object-oriented approach (e.g., the high degree of modularity, flexibility, reusability, maintenanability of the model), but also provides an integrated and consistent environment for modeling, analyzing, scheduling and controlling an AMS simultaneously. |