題 名 | 人民權論--慶祝世界人權宣言通過五十週年=On Peoples' Human Rights |
作 者 | 曾建元; | 書刊名 | 中山學術論叢 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁141-173 |
分類號 | 571.9 |
關鍵詞 | 人權; 人民權; 第三代人權; 世界人民權利宣言; 臺灣人民; 聯合國; Human rights; Peoples' human rights; The third generation human rights; Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples; Taiwanese; United Nations; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 第三代國際人權的權利主體乃是建立在集體的人民之上。 人民權觀念的提出,與 社會主義與第三世界國家的倡導有關,其在人權系譜中的出現,對於傳統以個人為中心的人 權觀,起了極大的衝擊。本文旨在介紹人民權的歷史發展及其各種權利類別,並特為譯介國 際民間社會提出之〈世界人民權利宣言〉。本文認同聯合國〈發展權利宣言〉之意旨,主張 人民權之保障不得侵害〈世界人權宣言〉和有關人權的兩項國際公約所保障的個體人權。臺 灣人民作為世界公民,其人民權理應受到聯合國為首的國際社會的共同支持與承認,臺灣人 民的國際參與問題,應當從國際基本人權問題的立場,呼�Z國際社會予以新的思考。 |
英文摘要 | The central subjects/holders of the thirdgeneration international human rights are collective people. Peoples' human rights have a lot of things to do with the Socialist and the third world countries' urge. They bring about greatest impacts to traditional individual human rights pedigree. This article focuses on the historical development and classification of the new category of human rights and introduces the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples, which is drafted by international civil society. This article agrees the spirit of the Declaration on the Rights to Development and claims that the protection of Peoples' human rights cannot justify the violation and denial of individual human rights what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two international human rights' covenants protect. Taiwanese as members of world citizens, our people's human rights should be supported and recognized by the United Nations and international community. We should stand on the position of international fundamental human rights to call upon international community to rethink the question of Taiwanese international participation. |