題 名 | 五四時期上海公共空間的發展--從學生運動談起=The Development of the Public Sphere in Shanghai during the May-Fourth Period: Exemplified by the Student's Movement |
作 者 | 許慧琦; | 書刊名 | 國立政治大學歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 15 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁39-73 |
分類號 | 628.75 |
關鍵詞 | 五四時期; 公共空間; 上海; 學生運動; The May-Forth period; Public sphere; Shanghai; Student movement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 西方史學界近年來出現援用公共空間(public sphere)或市民社會(civil socity)理論對中國近代史進行研究的趨勢。這種將中國正史置於西方社會理論的架構下進行討論的方式,雖然會出現某些問題或套用時的失誤, 卻也不能不說是為中國近代史研究開闢另一扇窗,讓我們得以用不同的眼界來詮釋近代中國的某些發展。關於中國公民社會的起源問題,近來多有學者撰文進行區域性的討論。本文嘗試選擇以五四運動時期的上海為例,並從學生運動的角度切入,探討當時的上海學生如何發揮其聯絡、宣傳、領導、動員的影響力,隨後知識份子與各界人士又如何呼應與行動;因應五四運動而成立的組織及創辦的刊物,是否形塑出一種國家體制外的市民公共領域?或者就如孔復禮(Philip A. Kuhn)教授所言,廿世紀的中國因其民族主義的發展而「迅速地扼殺了『公民社會』資以發展的任何潛在可能」?希望藉此討論,能有助於進一步瞭解近代中國公共空間的發展模式。 |
英文摘要 | The western historical studies appear a trend which use "public sphere" or " civil society" theory to analyze the history of modern China. Although such way may yield certain mistakes or errors, however it helps enlarging our ranges of vision, and offers us some different approaches to explain modern China. There are certain articles focus on the origin of the civil society ini modern China, most of them are area studies. This essay tries to concentrate on Shanghai's development in May Fourth movement period, and take Shanghai student's activities for an analyzing angle, to discuss how they exert their abilities and influences to contact, propagate, lead and mobilize the public; afterwards, how the inteligence and people in society appealed and reacted; in general, whether the whole spheres construct or shape the so-called "public sphere" out of state-machine's control? Or just like professor Phillip A. Kuhn has been said, "the development of nationalism in twentieth-century's China quickly strangle and potential possibility of the growth of civil socity"? Hoping this discussion will do some help to clarify the development of modern China's "public sphere" and its mode. |