題 名 | 苦瓜--絲瓜嫁接株對苦瓜萎凋病之抵抗性及其產量=Resistance of Bitter Gourd-Loofah Grafts to Fusarium Oxysporum f. sp. Momordicae and Their Yield |
作 者 | 林益昇; 黃家興; 宋曉清; | 書刊名 | 植物保護學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 40:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁121-132 |
分類號 | 435.266 |
關鍵詞 | 苦瓜; 絲瓜; 嫁接栽培; 苦瓜萎凋病菌; 病害防治; Bitter gourd; Loofah; Cleft grafting; Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. momordicae; Disease control; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的是發展以絲瓜為根砧嫁接苦瓜蔓穗的新栽培法,以防治苦瓜萎凋病,達到增產的目的。苦瓜萎凋病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. momordicae)僅能危害苦瓜與矮南瓜,不能危害其他瓜類作物,故許多瓜類作物都可能被應用為抗病根砧。根砧篩選試驗顯示南瓜、扁蒲和絲瓜皆可與苦瓜嫁接而成活,但以絲瓜為根砧的苦瓜嫁接苗,不但成活率高,而且在田間,即使經過剪根法接種萎凋病菌,亦表現極佳的抵抗性。採用頂劈長筒型絲瓜(L39 地方品系)嫁接苦瓜蔓穗(農友新3號品種)的組合,在田間種植三年的產量高達61-108公噸/公頃;一般來自實生苗和舌狀根靠接苗的苦瓜因萎凋病的危害,產量則介於0-24公噸/公頃。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to develop a cultivation method for bitter gourd to control the Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. momordicae (FOM). Cleft grafting to a loofah rootstock was finally adopted. The FOM can only attack bitter gourd and summer squash, but not other cucurbits which have the potential to be used as resistant rootstock for bitter gourd. The grafting experiments showed that among the various cucurbit plants tested, only pumpkin, bottle gourd and loofah could be used as rootstock for successful grafting with bitter gourd. Loofah was found not only the best candidate as rootstock for having a highest survival rate in plastic houses and displaying vigorous growth in fields but also showed high resistance to the wilt pathogen even when inoculated by artificial root-pruning method. For three years of field cultivation, the combination of bitter gourd scion (variety of Known You New No.3) cleft grafted to loofah rootstock (a local line of L39) was the best one to have high bitter gourd yields which reached 61-108 t/ha. In contrast, the non-grafted bitter gourd or grafted sedlings by whip root grafting only gave a yield from none to 24 t/ha. |