- Normal Standards for Cardiopulmonary Responses to Exercise Using a Cycle Ergometer Test
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題 名 | Normal Standards for Cardiopulmonary Responses to Exercise Using a Cycle Ergometer Test=腳踏車運動試驗各種心肺功能指標之標準反應數值 |
作 者 | 施偉立; 藍青; 賴金鑫; | 書刊名 | 臺灣醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 97:5 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁315-322 |
分類號 | 528.9012 |
關鍵詞 | 腳踏車運動; 心肺功能; Cardiopulmonary responses; Exercise testing; Cycle ergometry; Age; Height; Body weight; Gender; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to establish standards for cardiopulmonary responses to exercise in heal thy Chinese subjects in Taiwan. One hundred and five sedentary healthy subjects, 55 men and 50 women aged between 20 and 75 rears, were tested. They pedalled a cycle ergometer with the work rate increased by 10 W every minute until they were exhausted. Expiratory gas volume, concentration, carbon dioxide concentration, and heart rate were measured during the exercise test, Work rate (WR□), oxygen consumption (Vo□), oxygen consumption divided by body weight (Vo□/BW), heart rate (HR□), and ventilation (VE□) at maximal exercise, and oxygen consumption at anaerobic threshold (Vo□4T) were determined. These parameters were regressed by age (A, in year), height (H, in cm), body weight (G, in kg), and gender (S, 0 = women, and 1 = men), and the following predictive equations were obtained: 1) WR□(W) =-1.2 A + 1.1 H +0.7 G + 28 S-56, R = 0.90; 2) Vo□, (ml/mm) =-20 A + 9.5 H + 16 G + 461s-237, R = 0.90; (3) Vo□/BW(ml/kg/min) =-0.31 A + 0.14 H-0.14-G -7.2S+22, R = 0.87; 4)HR□(beat/mm) =-0.81A + 209, R=0.61; 5) VE□ (L/min) =-0.74 A-0.04 H + 0.93 G + 22.2S+ 42,R = 0.83; 6) Vo□AT (ml/mm) =-9.5 A +3.5 H + 9.4 G + 140 S-122, R = 0.79. Our results provide normal standards for cardiopulmonary responses to exercise during cycle ergometer testing in Taiwan. |