- Analysis of Costs Borne by Families of Patients Hospitalized for Stroke
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題 名 | Analysis of Costs Borne by Families of Patients Hospitalized for Stroke=中風住院病人之家庭成本分析 |
作 者 | 屈蓮; 白璐; 徐偉成; 陳貞如; 張大邦; | 書刊名 | 中華醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 61:5 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁267-275 |
分類號 | 410.15 |
關鍵詞 | 家庭成本分析; 位院服務; 中風; Cost analysis; Hospital care; Stroke; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 背景許多評估有關癌症所造成的經濟影響研究中強調,罹患慢性病的病人與家屬 面臨相當沉重的因疾病所引發的成本。但鮮有研究評估中風病人與家屬所面臨的家庭成本。 方法本研究追蹤四家臺北市教學醫院的215位中風住院病人與其家屬自住院第一天到出院當 日止的家庭成本。家屬勞力成本是以看護工每小時市價(NT$83.9)乘以家屬在醫院照顧病 人的天數與平均每天照顧的時數計算;此外,病人與家屬因中風住院減少的薪資、付給醫院 的醫藥費、病人住院所需額外的飲食、衣服、交通、成人用紙尿褲和其它雜支費等之總合, 即為病人與家屬此次因中風住院所負擔的家庭成本。 結果平均每一個住院日每個病人之家庭成本為新臺幣4,358.2元,其中約50%為勞力成本,而 這項成本發生在98.6%的家庭。所有家庭均需付醫藥費給醫院,且此項花費佔平均家庭成本 的19.1%。病人與家屬因中風住院所減少的薪資則佔約五分之一,其餘飲食、衣服、交通、 成人用紙尿褲和其它雜支費等則為約12%。複迴歸分析顯示參與照顧病人的家屬人數與住院 日為重要的家庭成本預測值,每多一位家屬參與照顧病人,平均每日家庭成本則增加24.3% ;每延長一個住院日,平均每日家庭成本則增加2.5%。 結論當直接與間接非醫療成本被漠視時,中風病人與家屬很可能低估住院服務所產生的經濟 影響。 |
英文摘要 | Background. Studies focusing on the economic impact of cancer on families have emphasized that costs of chronic disease are substantial for patients and their families. However, little effort has been devoted to measuring the costs of care for families of patients hospitalized with stroke. Methods. A total of 215 stroke patients and their families from four teaching hospitals in the Taipei metropolitan area were monitored from the date of the patient's admission to hospital until the date of discharge. The value of labor contributed by families was estimated by assigning the current monetary market rate of providing health aide to the time families spent caring for patients in hospital. Lost earnings of patients and families, expenditure for medical care, and expenses for food, clother, adult diapers, transportation and other miscellaneous items were determined and summed to arrive at the total family cost of providing care. Results. The average cost of care for one family per inpatient day was NT$4,358.20. A total of 98.6% of the families incurred labor costs, which accounted for about half of family costs for providing care. Hospital bills accounted for almost 19% of total family costs. The income loss for families and patients accounted for about 25% of total family costs. Expenses for food, clothes, transportation, diapers and other illness-related miscellaneous items accounted for about 12% of total family costs. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the number of family members involved in giving care and the length of stay are important predictors for the total cost of care. Average total family costs per day increadsed by 24.3% when an additional family member was involved in proveiding care. Total family costs increased 2.5% for each hospital day. Conclusions. If direct and indirect nonmedical costs are not included in the total cost calculation for providing hospital care to stroke patients, the economic impact of care on families is likely to be underestimated. |